Hey! I started working on a FPS, and it tuns out I really like making FPS games
It's going to be a game set in the future, but that won't really show in the levels. It's basically a game where you must kill a radical group of NeoNazi's that started to shoot everybody, in the name of Hitler. This you can do with a set of wapons, including stuff like colts, rpg's, lazer-guns etc
I don't have huds yet, and the enemies dont have a brain, but I'm working on that right now. Maybe I'll enter this in the compo, but I might make this a textical shooter, which I cant enter. We'll see..
if enemie_IQ>40 then post playable_level_demo
"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever"
- Shigeru Miyamoto