I'll probally never make this, but here goes...
Game Type: OpWolf (probally wil be FPS movement, but maybe I'll figure out how to do that darned on-rails thing
I might even take it to TPS, if I bother to get CharFX, but considering I like FPSs...
Game Name: Invasion of the Ragdoll Monkeys!
Game Synopsis: A bunch of monkeys are/have trying to steal forum user's copys of DBP and you must stop-them/rescue-the-copys-of-DBP! Will use waltber's newton dll. Weapons include Uzi, Assault Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Gauss Gun, and a few other undecideds... And for the final level you get to rescue Lee's copy of DBP!
Game Status: 0.03% done
I've got some weapon idea and some of the forum member's names, and that's about it.
It'll probally never enter this, but I am going to work on it anyways for the experince with newton ragdolls...
Bring out the mercenary in you!
Mercenaries2 Community (not yet, anyway, but coming soon! right?)