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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Errors with Arrays?

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Joined: 22nd Sep 2002
Posted: 22nd Sep 2002 12:44
Hello all,
this is my first post here at the new DBP forums. Howdy.

I think I've seen it mentioned elswhere, but has anyone else had any problems using the new array system? For example the following code produces 0 as output:

dim test(5)
print array count(test(0))
wait key

Anyone else have this issue? Shouldn't the answer be 5?

And this code:

dim test$(5)
print array count(test$(0))
wait key

Won't compile for me. I get a "cannot perform 'dword' cast on type '@test$(0)' at line 7" error.

Also, the description of the UAS seems to be missing some info:
I assume commands like ARRAY INDEX TO TOP set the array index to the top of the stack (if you're using the array as a stack), but what's the syntax for retrieving from or assigning to the array element that the index is pointing to?
"Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand."
- Unknown.

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