To help newbies to the community out with their fledgeling internet social skills I'm writing this quick guide. It explains the basic use of your standard emotions such as
, and also acronyms such as LOL. This holds true with both the IRC chat and the forums. Pay close attention.
Basic Emoticons
:) = I am smiling.
:( = I am frowning.
:D = I am grinning.
;) = I am trying to seduce you.
:0 = I have a really big mouth.
:x = I have sewn my mouth shut.
:P = I want to lick you.
:$ = I am a socialist/anarchist and am eating money to show what I think of the evil machine.
:'( = There's a flea/spider/tick on my cheek and I am sad.
:@ = My mouth is stuffed with food.
:| = My mouth is duck taped shut.
:> = I'm a mutant!
Alternate Emoticons
O.o = I am wearing a monacle in my left eye because it makes me look very clever.
o.O = I am wearing a monacle in my right eye because it makes me look very clever.
o.o = My eyes are twice as big as my nose.
O.O = I am wearing really huge geeky glasses.
^_^ = I am recieving heavy electric shock. Please send medical aid.
-_- = I am sleeping/dead.
-.- = I am sneezing/have just taken snuff.
$.$ = I have ripped my eyes out and stuffed dollar bills in the sockets because I am completely insane.
BRB = Bug, Really Big. Often used in the IRC, especially when a new DBP beta has been released.
LOL = Lots Of Lag. Often people will sit around in the IRC typing only this because they think it makes them look angsty and cool.
WTF = Weird Troll Found. Describes less than admirable members of the forums or exceptionaly nasty bugs.
You're welcome.