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3 Dimensional Chat / somethings not right....

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Joined: 21st Dec 2002
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Posted: 26th Dec 2002 02:33
alright....well....i have 3ds max 5 and for some reason...its not importing .3ds files....can anyone help me? thanks yall...(if i am doing something TOTALLY stoopid then just tell a n00b so that might be a HUGE prob)
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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 26th Dec 2002 04:27
depends what way your trying to import it

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
John H
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Posted: 26th Dec 2002 05:43
Do you have the demo version? If its the demo version I think it doesnt let you export or maybe even import objects.


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Posted: 27th Dec 2002 03:47
he probably has a ripped version...stupid pirate...

When you import models normally in max they are VERY tiny. zoom in to the origin and you will probably find them.
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 27th Dec 2002 06:33
Max 4 and 5 autozoom, and there's always the clip to window in the bottom right corner.

can't really help without more info, cause can you not import cause the options are greyed.
Or because it crashes Max, or because you can't determine the faces imported.
What are the import options ... blah blah

problem with max is cause of its hyper complexity if anything goes wrong there are like 40options that could be at fault.
And i don't doubt this guy has ripped the copy, because Max5 costs $5,540 - which i thought cause the options aren't that much more than 4, i mean whats the point in upgrading for that much??
And any kid that does have that much is more likely to spend it on a car or something than something they've never used before... kinda stupid if you ask me.

Both pirating something you can't use and setting a price 4x the previous version.
Ya know i was thinking about upgrading so i could use the new Cold Fusion and Character Studios cause they do have substantial improvements, but $5,100 for Cold Fusion and $2,800 for Character Studio 4???
I can't afford that not for like a few months, and still reeling form purchasing a new render system and bloody business update licences... the whole 3d package side of things is pissing me off as is, and i can see Maya becomming the new standard cause right now its almost half the price of Max and alot more artists enjoy and produce better work especially being able to work so closely and easily with the CG Artists and Texture artists.

Discreet are digging thier own grave, can't particularly say i'll be sad to see Max leave nither because it is an overhyped peice of buggy crap - and a good partnetship for the Windows OSs

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!

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