I was at the mall this past weekend in Nashville, TN, and I came across a kiosk that was selling the games Duck Hunt, Super Mario Brothers, and Tetris.
I purchased the system for $65. It proudly displays "Made in China" on the side.
On the cover of the box was a very misleading picture of Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan fighting with Darth Maul, and another picture of a jeep driving through a mountain terrain. When you get it home and hook it up, it is nothing of the sort. It is an 8-bit Nintendo system that is completely encased in a Nintendo 64 controller.
It comes with 80 games, which are all put on one cartridge. To sell these games is illegal, because the company that made this product is not Nintendo, and they don't give Nintendo one penny. You can tell, because it is falsely advertised from the beginning (with pictures from Star Wars, etc). Anyway, how they get around this legality, is they "give" you the games for free, and you are just paying for the console.
They slipped the ROM with the 80 games on it into my bag as I left. It was not in the box that contained the console itself, and that is how they do it. Total bootleg!
It even comes with a gun, so you can play Duck Hunt! And one of my favorites, you can play Cooperative Tetris with another person - brilliant!
Just last night, I was teaching my sons to play Super Mario Brothers 1 on this magnificent bootleg system, and it was good for them to learn the history as the actual game was on our screen - old colors, old sounds and all!
Here is the official website:
But an even bigger bootleg is this one game on there called "MC Mario". Somebody made this complete game putting the Super Mario Brothers 3 Mario character into a game with Ronald McDonald! It's almost blasphemy!
Anyway - if you happen to see one in a store near you, and if you like 8-bit NES games, check it out!