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Program Announcements / EZrotate Enhanced - Full Unlimited Demo

Ron Erickson
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Posted: 27th Aug 2004 04:42
Hello All!

I received word from TGC that the release of EZrotate will be delayed until mid-September. Since I have been answering a bunch of forum messages over the past few months with "You'll be able to do that easily with the new EZrotate", I thought it would be a good idea to put together a time-limited trial version of the plugin.

The demo will expire on 21-Sept-04. Other than that, there are no limits to it. It has the full help file and eight sample programs that show off the various features.

The download size is 2 megs.

Get it here:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or on my forums:

If you have the original, FREE version of EZrotate installed, you will have to remove that dll from your plugins-user folder for this to operate correctly.

Ron Erickson ~ a.k.a. WOLF

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Peter H
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Posted: 27th Aug 2004 05:06
so when it is released...are we going to have to pay for it?

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 27th Aug 2004 05:22
Yes. It will be sold through TGC.

Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 27th Aug 2004 05:28
By the way, here is a feature list:

Dark Basic Professional uses Euler angles natively. Lets face it, Euler angles are confusing and hard to work with directly. In addition to Euler angles, EZrotate enhanced gives you the ability to work with Matrix Mathematics and Quaternion values. The rotation information of most 3D models is stored with Matrix Mathematics and animation data is usually stored with Quaternion values. With EZrotate Enhanced you can easily use that information directly to setup your objects.

True Global Rotation:
If you have ever tried to write simple code to roll a ball around on a flat surface you will immediately know how useful this feature of EZrotate enhanced is. There is no simple way to do global rotation with Euler angles, which in turn means that there is no simple way to do global rotation in Dark Basic Professional. Until Now! This feature will allow you to rotate your object on the global X, Y or Z axis.

Local Rotation:
In addition to the True Global rotation feature, EZrotate Enhanced also has a local rotation command set. These commands work similar to the free flight (pitch, roll, turn) commands provided by Dark Basic Professional. In other words, this command set will rotate an object on its own local X, Y and Z axis. The advantage of using the local rotation command set in EZrotate enhanced is its compatibility with all other rotation features of Dark Basic Professional and EZrotate Enhanced.

Vector Rotation:
By using the global and local command sets, there are up to six axis that you can rotate your objects on (Global X, Global Y, Global Z, Local X, Local Y, Local Z). What if you want to rotate your object around an axis other than the global or local ones? Vector rotation is the answer. With vector rotation you supply the coordinate of a point. EZrotate Enhanced creates an axis from the origin of your object to the point that you supply. Your object is then rotated around that axis by the amount that you specify. This feature increases the available rotation axis from six to infinity!

Orbit Rotation:
Now that you have read about the vector rotation command set, what else could possibly be left? Orbit Rotation offers even MORE freedom and power than vector rotations! With the orbiting feature, you define the coordinates of two separate points. These two points define an axis that your object will rotate around. Because the axis that you define does not have to pass through the origin of the object, the object will not only rotate, it will MOVE around the axis. This feature is very useful for making any type of object rotate around another. It is also very useful for making objects appear to rotate around points other than its origin. For example, If you create a door in a 3d modeling application, normally you would have to make sure that the door was positioned correctly in the modeling application. With the orbiting feature of EZrotate Enhanced, it does not matter where the origin of your object is located in the 3d modeling application. You can choose any locations for the rotation axis. Therefore you can easily adjust where you want the hinges to be.

Rotate Towards:
The point object command native to Dark Basic Professional is very powerful. However, what if you do not want to instantly point at the coordinate that you specify? Instead, what if you want to gradually rotate towards the coordinate by a specified angle? As you have probably guessed, that is exactly what this feature does! You supply a coordinate and an angle value. EZrotate Enhanced will rotate your object towards that coordinate using the shortest possible route.

Turn Pitch Towards:
This feature is very similar to the rotate towards feature. The difference is that your object will not “roll” on the Z axis when rotating towards the coordinate. This is very useful for any type of turret system. This command uses the shortest path available from the X and Y axis.

Find Point From Offset:
The Find point from offset feature will convert from a coordinate system that is local to your object to the global coordinate system. In other words, if you want to know the position of a point that is always a certain distance above / below / beside / in front / behind your object according to how it is currently rotated, this feature will solve the problem. This is a great replacement for the “glue object” command native to Dark Basic Professional. It is a great way to cut down the usage and overhead of “dummy” objects to track positions.

Find Offset From Point:
This command is the polar opposite of the Find Point From Offset feature. Instead, you supply a 3D coordinate and EZrotate will determine the distance to each an objects axis relative to how it is rotated (perpendicular distance). This feature setting up things such as 3D radars very simple.

Find Axis Angles:
This command set will return the true angle of each axis of an object. Unlike Euler angles, the angles returned when using this feature are independent of rotation order. This feature is great for keeping objects rotated within certain limits. It is also very useful for creating things such as flight gages.

Find Total Angle Between Points:
To use this feature, you supply the XYZ coordinates of three points. The first point is used as the base or origin. Now, imagine a line is drawn from the second point to the first, and another line is drawn from the third point to the first. EZrotate Enhanced will calculate the angle between those two lines. This is very usefully for things such as sight cones or generally to check if one object is within a certain angle range of another object.

Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
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Posted: 28th Aug 2004 03:33
I'll check this out as soon as I get caught up on my sleep ZZZZZ

Peter H
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Posted: 28th Aug 2004 07:17
do you know how much it's going to cost?

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 28th Aug 2004 10:34
It should be $15(USD).

The feature list above is the complete feature list for release. However, development on the plugin will continue. Right now I am working on an align-to-matrix/terrain/poly feature. I am also always open to any suggestions for additions. The goal of the plugin is to help remove difficult mathematics from your programs.

Have you tried it out yet? Any other questions? I'll be glad to answer.


Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 28th Aug 2004 19:08
Thanks for the sticky

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Jess T
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Posted: 28th Aug 2004 19:23

It's well worth it, and seen as it will eventually be a TGC product, the more people that see it now means the more it will sell for you later


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Posted: 1st Sep 2004 21:42

Will you have support for Ians C++ interface?

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Posted: 1st Sep 2004 22:17

This may be a silly question, in which case I apologise, but will there be any support for cameras equivalent to the existing support for objects?

To explain what I mean, lets say that I want to find out the vectors equivalent to a camera's local X, Y and Z axes. Now thanks to EZrotate thats easy to do for an object. With a camera its a bit more tricky. As I don't entirely trust the Euler angles being given by the DBPro camera angle commands what I do instead is generate a forward vector and an elevated forward vector using pick screen, then calculate the cross product of those. That gives me either the right or left vectors depending on which way around the cross product is calculated. Then its simplicity itself to get the up or down vectors using another cross product.

This is all a bit of a faff though. I was wondering whether EZrotate might have a command which achieves the same results? (hint hint)



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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 1st Sep 2004 22:20 Edited at: 1st Sep 2004 22:23
I'm not eactly sure how that will work. I'll have to talk to Ian about it. I think it will be more of - Will the Interface Library have support for EZrotate? lol

If not, I could always put together another version that would be for C++ users. I wouldn't sell that through TGC though. Let me think about that and I'll get back to you. I still have your e-mail address.
Have you had the chance to try it out yet?

Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 1st Sep 2004 22:23
Well, I think the problem with cameras is that the rotation order, by default, is set to ZYX instead of XYZ. If you change your camera's rotation order, it all works perfectly. I have used EZrotate with the camera many times and never had a problem.

Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
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Posted: 1st Sep 2004 22:30
Ahaha. Thanks Wolf. Incidentally, that has to be the fastest response ever in the history of this board.


What do you mean, bears aren't supposed to wear hats and a tie? P3.2ghz / 1 gig / GeForce FX 5900 128meg / WinXP home
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 1st Sep 2004 22:35
I've been waiting here for days for someone to reply


That is the kind of service that you can expect from my product.


I was answering Macrossi's question and one form you popped in there.

I just verified that in the DBpro help files. The rotation order for objects is by default XYZ. The rotation order for cameras is by default ZYX. If you change the rotation order for cameras, it will all work perfectly.

Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2004 01:28
Just got back from Hols, so hav'nt had a chance to play yet. Will have a look at the weekend.
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Posted: 6th Sep 2004 22:04


PS: That comment did not refer to this thread particularly. I just really wanted to say it.

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Posted: 8th Sep 2004 21:27
Quote: "Will the Interface Library have support for EZrotate?"

Wolf and I have been chatting about it - it's certainly something that I do want to do, but there are a few things that need to be sorted out first. We'll let you know when it's done.

*** Coming soon - Network Plug-in - Check my site for info ***
For free Plug-ins, source and the Interface library for Visual C++ 6, .NET and now for Dev-C++
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 8th Sep 2004 23:39
EZrotate is now on sale!

Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
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Posted: 9th Sep 2004 07:19
Just purchased

Thanks for getting together.

I like the idea of prototyping in DB and then using C++ for final code, using DB for the Graphics, you get the best of both worlds.
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Posted: 9th Sep 2004 08:26
YOU remembered me!
Quote: "Find Axis Angles:
This command set will return the true angle of each axis of an object. Unlike Euler angles, the angles returned when using this feature are independent of rotation order. This feature is great for keeping objects rotated within certain limits. It is also very useful for creating things such as flight gauges. "

Ron Erickson
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Posted: 9th Sep 2004 09:28

I aim to please.

It was a good idea for a feature request. This post (from my forums) has a better explanation of how they work:

Find Axis Angles:
This command set will return the true angle of each axis of an object. Unlike Euler angles, the angles returned when using this feature are independent of rotation order. This feature is great for keeping objects rotated within certain limits. It is also very useful for creating things such as flight gages.

The returned values of this feature is bound to confuse some people.
To explain further, the X and Y axis are dependent on each other. The Z axis is completely independent of the other 2.

The Y axis defines heading: 0 to 360 degrees
The X axis defines pitch: -90 to 90 degrees
The Z axis defines the roll on the Y and X axis: 0 to 360 degrees

I KNOW this is going to cause confusion with some people, but it is the way that this should work. If the pitch angle (X) goes above 90 degrees or becomes less than -90 degrees, the heading angle (Y) will become opposite. For example, say you are flying an airplane. You pull back and start to pitch up. Once you pass the point where you are heading straight up in the air, your airplane will begin heading in the opposite direction. As you proceed, although you are still pulling "up", your pitch angle (X) will actually begin to decrease.
So, if your heading angle was 0, and you "pitch up" 10 degrees past 90, your new heading angle will become 180, and your pitch angle will become 80.


I plan to add another feature to actually set up your object's rotation with values such as these. Currently I'm working on adding a Matrix/Terrain alignment feature. Any other suggestions are welcome. Just let me know.

By the way, my forums are:


Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
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Posted: 9th Sep 2004 10:07
Lookin' good Wolf. TGC can count on my purchase (and you can count on your commission! ).

Have you tried any comparative speed tests? In other words, have you tested the speed of the rotate towards command with, say, my equivalent DBPro code? I'm guessing that your code will run much faster as it was originally written in C++. That by itself is a great reason to buy the plugin IMHO.

Additional useful commands would be a command to convert XYZ worldspace coordinates into screen coordinates. Ok I accept the object screen x and y commands already do that but what if don't want the overhead of having to create an object? I also accept that various people (including myself) have already posted DBPro code that achieves this. It'd be nice to have the speed advantage of the same functionality compiled in C++.


PS: How come we never see you in the IRC room? Do we smell?

What do you mean, bears aren't supposed to wear hats and a tie? P3.2ghz / 1 gig / GeForce FX 5900 128meg / WinXP home
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 9th Sep 2004 11:00 Edited at: 9th Sep 2004 11:02
Quote: "Lookin' good Wolf. TGC can count on my purchase (and you can count on your commission! )."

Thanks Philip! You were one of the main supporters of the original, basic version. I enjoyed seeing your posts that really put it to different uses.

Quote: "Have you tried any comparative speed tests? In other words, have you tested the speed of the rotate towards command with, say, my equivalent DBPro code? I'm guessing that your code will run much faster as it was originally written in C++. That by itself is a great reason to buy the plugin IMHO."

Actually, I have not. I haven't written ANYTHING yet with EZrotate that the commands had any effect on performance. As you said, it probably is faster, but they are probably BOTH fast enough not to make much differnce. The main goal of the plugin is to be able to do complicated things in one or two simple commands. I think I definately achieve that. You don't have to have much knowledge of math to make things work the way you want to.

Quote: "Additional useful commands would be a command to convert XYZ worldspace coordinates into screen coordinates. Ok I accept the object screen x and y commands already do that but what if don't want the overhead of having to create an object? I also accept that various people (including myself) have already posted DBPro code that achieves this. It'd be nice to have the speed advantage of the same functionality compiled in C++.

That would be easy to add. I'll try to do it for the next update.

Quote: "PS: How come we never see you in the IRC room? Do we smell?"

I think I covered the bears smelling issue in another post.
I'll make it a point to try to drop by once in a while. MOST of my internet time is at work. Chatrooms are a little harder to keep up with than Forums. I have a wife and 2 kids (soon to be 3) at home. Chatting at home just isn't possible


Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
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Posted: 13th Sep 2004 07:06 Edited at: 13th Sep 2004 08:16

You rock.

now all i need is some time .. anyone sell time in a jar ?? LOL

one question .. way back when you started this and asked"anything else you guys want?"

and after my joy to see orbiting i asked about eliptical orbits.

well any chance, or have i missed it my excitment ?

supp:: Wolf, having a bit of time trying to log onto you forum. it may be because my account is new and all.

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Ron Erickson
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Posted: 13th Sep 2004 08:19
Quote: "now all i need is some time .. anyone sell time in a jar ?? LOL"

I was considering writing another plugin named EZtime, which will take care of all sorts of timer issues. Somehow, I doubt that is what you are after though lol

Quote: "and after my joy to see orbiting i asked about eliptical orbits.
well any chance, or have i missed it my excitment ? "

I have some other things that I want to add first. Namely, matrix/terrain alignment, Rotate by Axis angle, and a couple of other suprises. I will look into it again. The issue wasn't so much getting it to work, it was more doing the setup in a logical way. With an ellipse, there would be a lot of parameters to pass. I'll try to work something out though.


Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
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Posted: 13th Sep 2004 10:17
eliptical orbits can be made using your DLL as is ...

but one needs to make a slave or root object and attach the object you want to appear on a eliptical to one end of the slave object . through carfull local offsets i can ajust the precived radius as the objects orbit and keep all the math at a minimum.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2004 10:59
Well, that is cool

I was thinking about it more after I posted my earlier message and thought that the way to go could be with a funtion that just uses the "orbit" feature and offsets the axis vector and radius accordingly. It might be a little while before I get to working on that. If you come up with anything, I'd love to see it

Tokamak Physics Wrapper!
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 13th Sep 2004 11:03
Quote: "supp:: Wolf, having a bit of time trying to log onto you forum. it may be because my account is new and all."

I missed that part ealier. I'm not sure what the problem is. Let me know if you can't get logged on. I'll see what I can do about it. Send me an e-mail if you need help.

Tokamak Physics Wrapper!

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