Hi, I'm currently working on the second issue of the KNova Newsletter. If you have any news you'd like me to put in it, post it here. Post it in this format, please:
YOUR NAME (forum name, unless you want your real name. Just post it for copy and pasting purposes
-If it is a game, post a link to a WIP thread, or website-
-If it is a game, post a download link here-
The featured game slot is already taken, but I can mention a bunch of games near the end of the newsletter. Please note that you can post any indy game development news, not just your own.
Anyway, all I can say thus far is that there is an article on DarkTopia and Jimmy's Operation Golf. Expect a release near Monday
Come to #coding. We promise we wont kick you!
DISCLAIMER: Promises may not actually be upheld.