Hey all
This is just something I whipped up two nights ago ( spent last night trying to get around some annoying bugs ).
It's a level editor for my compo entry. It'll be under the snake catergorie, but it'll be a pretty large deviation from the original.
You'll see from the example level, that it is more like a Bouce game ( hence the name ), where you drop a ball, and if you're accurate, it will make it's way down to the basket, on the way, you have to pick up food which can give the "snake" a boost in it's bounce ( and extend it's tail of course
It's not a very good concept for a game, but I don't have much time at all to develop a game, so this is about as good as it's going to get
This level editor is for making the levels ( dur ), but I just thought I would show it off cos it's pretty nice, and it makes my job SO much easier ( and I gotta make sure it would work on the Judges PC's )!
Also, please
Read the README.txt file, as it explains alot of information on functionality etc.
I would also like bug reports from anyone that tries it out, as I have given it a whirl on a couple of friends computers, and the exe itself wouldn't run, but after a recompile, it ran fine ( odd eh? ).
Two particular comments I'm after is if anyone else notices the FPS increase if you turn the background off, then on again?
I was getting about 79-80 with it on, then off, I got 120, back on again and I was getting a constant 87...
Also, if anyone notices a strange way that the "Bounce Box" is textured?
Dont forget to
Read the README.txt file, as it explains alot.
To grab the latest version of the exe and source, or just source, head over to
Also, here's a screeny for those of you that can't go without one, but without the background in as it makes for a smaller png file
( 98KB )
Thanks for the view
Have fun!
Team EOD :: Programmer/Logical Engineer/All-Round Nice Guy