This isn't your code, it's Rich's.
For comparison purposes
` This code was downloaded from The Game Creators
` It is reproduced here with full permission
` -------------------------------------------------------------------------
` Snake! DarkForge FAQ 25/1/2001
` -------------------------------------------------------------------------
` Coded for a forum request to show how the game "snake" works. Use cursor
` keys to move the snake, eat the fruit to expand your length. See how long
` you can get!
sync rate 0
sync on
hide mouse
` our snake sprite
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
box 1,1,15,15
get image 1,0,0,16,16
` our fruit
ink rgb(255,0,0),0
box 1,1,15,15
get image 2,0,0,16,16
` our border
ink rgb(0,0,255),0
box 1,1,15,15
get image 3,0,0,16,16
` "where is the snake?" array
` because the snake is 16x16 in size the game grid is 40x30
dim grid(40,30)
` add the border to the array
for a=0 to 40
grid(a,0) = 1201
grid(a,29) = 1201
next a
for a=0 to 30
grid(0,a) = 1201
grid(39,a) = 1201
next a
` initial variables
` d = direction (1=up, 2=right,3=down,4=left)
` x and y are starting location for the snake (must be offset of 16)
` eaten is the fruit value (1 = onscreen, 0 = eaten)
` speed is the delay between the snake moving in ms, decrese for speed!
d = 2
x = 320
y = 240
eaten = 1
score = 0
speed = 75
length = 2
placed = 0
t = timer() + speed
set text opaque
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
create bitmap 1,640,480
` the main loop
cls 0
if upkey() and d<>3 then d=1
if downkey() and d<>1 then d=3
if leftkey() and d<>2 then d=4
if rightkey() and d<>4 then d=2
` if it's time to redraw the snake then do so here
if timer()>t
if d=1 then dec y,16
if d=2 then inc x,16
if d=3 then inc y,16
if d=4 then dec x,16
if grid(x/16,y/16) > 0 and grid(x/16,y/16) < 1500
goto dead
` have we hit some fruit? If so increase length and score
if grid(x/16,y/16) = 1500
inc length
grid(x/16,y/16) = length
eaten = 1
inc score,25
grid(x/16,y/16) = length
t = timer() + speed
` length cascade
for a=0 to 40
for b=0 to 30
if grid(a,b) > 0 and grid(a,b) < 1201
temp = grid(a,b)
dec temp
grid(a,b) = temp
next b
next a
` new fruit (make sure it's not placed on an already occupied location)
if eaten = 1
fx = 2 + rnd(37)
fy = 2 + rnd(27)
if grid(fx,fy) = 0 then placed = 1
until placed = 1
grid(fx,fy) = 1500
eaten = 0
placed = 0
` draw the game grid - this draws the game screen each sync
for a=0 to 40
for b=0 to 30
tempg = grid(a,b)
if tempg > 0
if tempg = 1500 then paste image 2,a*16,b*16
if tempg = 1201 then paste image 3,a*16,b*16
if tempg < 1201 then paste image 1,a*16,b*16
next b
next a
` un-comment this line to see the debug information instead of the score
` t$ = "X: " + str$(x/16) + " Y: " + str$(y/16) + " FPS: " + str$(screen fps()) + " Length: " + str$(length) + " "
t$ = "SCORE: " + str$(score) + " "
text 0,0,t$
copy bitmap 1,0
blur bitmap 0,2
set current bitmap 0
center text 320,240,"GAME OVER!"
until spacekey()=1
Partly because this isn't a your code snippet, you're a theif and leaving this open will only incite trouble (and I'm itching to get locking something) this is locked. (don't think Rich'll mind too much