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DLL Talk / [LOCKED] My Winsock DLL is Released

cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 11th Sep 2004 01:51
Hey guys, I got the DLL to work! Thanks a bunch to Mr. Frederic Cordier for helping me find my little bug!

ClientSocket.dll is now available at

To install just copy the DLL into your "%DBDir%\Compiler\plugins-user\" directory.

There is an example of how to use it in the zip file.

I posted this in my old thread but the title of the thread isn't right so I'm remaking the thread with a more descriptive title.
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Posted: 11th Sep 2004 03:13
Hey, this looks pretty interesting. I'll have to give it a look later, as I can't run anything in DB on this computer.

cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 11th Sep 2004 03:49
If you go to and download my "TCP Spoof Server" in the downloads section you can run the test program that I included in the zip and see the functionality. I also just uploaded a new zip with a keyword file.
cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 16th Sep 2004 11:13
Okay, update:

Two things really. a) This thing hasn't been tested very much at all.

b) I did some testing of it and found it to be fairly unusable for receiving data because the data it receives comes in chunks which may not be the entire packet. BEWARE RECEIVING LARGE PACKETS. You will have to handle that on your own by looking for the null character in the data to determine the end of the datastring.

I hope if any of you are using it that you like it, but even I am going to just sit tight and wait for exeat's winsock implementation. Mine just isn't all that great for anything but sending strings and I don't have much free time to work out the kinks.

So to conclude, it works, and is a temporary holdoff until we get a more thorough dll.
cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 17th Sep 2004 11:26
Another update:

Now it works! I know I said I didn't have time to fix it but it was bugging me. It will now know the end of your packet as long as the last character of the packet is CHR$(2). Have fun making games, let me know if you make anything with this DLL, I'd be interested to see it.

The link is the same as in the first post.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2004 06:57
If you use winsock right, you can make an msn messenger & a yahoo messenger client...

As soon as I get the dbc expansion pack...

MSN Messenger Protocol Documentation (WARNING! VERY, VERY COMPLETE): [href][/href]

[img src=] >::p
John Y
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Posted: 21st Sep 2004 07:29
lmao, from that website
Quote: "MSN Messenger Protocol Documentation (WARNING! VERY, VERY COMPLETE):"

Andrew Sayers is from England. He probably has a British accent too.


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Posted: 21st Sep 2004 09:21
What compiler was used to create this dll? It has a lot of unneeded imports, but besides that it optimizes the code really well. Way better then MSVC++.
cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 21st Sep 2004 10:20
Note this is only tested with DBPro trial 5.4
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2004 01:16
Hi folks

Having trouble with this .dll - it connects and sends fine but seem to be deaf as a post as regards receiving packets. Not a sausage, not even a single character is getting through from my server via NetworkGetData() (as used in the example code that comes with the DLL for example).

For the time being I'm running a server within my own machine, so its not a LAN issue or whatever and as I say, the connection and send part is fine.

Using DBPro (1.052 trial) and WinXP Pro (SP2/Dx9c).

Anyone got any ideas whats going on?

I'm somewhat stumped.

Thanks all - Boatrace.
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Posted: 4th Nov 2004 07:18
Me again.

Cybernetic Wraith was kind enough to get back to me as regards the problem and spotted what it turned out to be straight off the bat, so to contribute to the knowledge base (as it were) I'll explain the solution:

As per the readme, all packets received by the .dll MUST end with chr$(2) or else they will just sit in the buffer.

I think I possibly mis-read the instructions as saying that a chr$(2) would signal the end of a packet but otherwise it would just spit out whatever was in the buffer; this is not the case.

Thanks again to CW.
cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 6th Dec 2004 23:20
Hey guys, I know it's been quite a while since my last post but I've been getting lots of requests for more advanced features in this DLL such as commands to "peek into" and clear the buffer, as well as server functionality. I would love to implement these features but there is a slight problem in that I am very busy.

I am curious to know how many of you would be willing to pay a small fee ($5) for an advanced version of this DLL with these added features and free upgrades:

Server functionality
Peeking the data buffer
Advanced send functions (stuff other than strings)
Clearing the data buffer manually
Ability to turn off or set the termination character. (Such as using CHR$(5) instead of CHR$(2) or not using a charcode at all.

Of course the free version would stay as-is with maybe a slight upgrade in functionality as I see fit.

Anyway, post whether you'd be interested here in these forums. If you have further questions you may e-mail me if you wish but please also post here in the forums so all may see the answer.
cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 6th Dec 2004 23:21
Also contrary to my previous statement about testing this DLL has been tested with the current DBP version as of today and works fine.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 13:43
Sounds promising, CW. Just what does 'server functionality' encompass?

High quality models and graphics, low prices. Graphics for the rest of us.
cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 15:19
To elaborate on the server functonality:

The server would be able to:
Have multiple connections (probably unlimited depending on your hardware)
Send/Recieve data from multiple clients
Send data to all clients (broadcast)
Same packet-handling features as the improved client dll (peek/clear/get)

A few versions down the road if people buy it I may even add a scripting language to it so that the main functionality of the server can be created independant of darkbasic (minus any darkbasic commands themselves)
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 15:41 Edited at: 7th Dec 2004 16:45
Hey CW, shoot me an email. (or post your's here so I can send you one, but the first way is easier)

High quality models and graphics, low prices. Graphics for the rest of us.
cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 23:05
I didn't realize my email wasn't public! Oops...

Anyway, I'll send you an email too, but my e-mail should show up as a button now.
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Posted: 8th Dec 2004 16:00 Edited at: 9th Dec 2004 02:50
Hey, CW, check your mail.

Edit: Since you said you didn't recieve my mail, your mail service may be placing my email as spam, since I have a google account. Might want to check that.

High quality models and graphics, low prices. Graphics for the rest of us.
cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 10th Dec 2004 02:41
Hm... I don't think so, all my spam is going through thunderbirds filter. Try e-mailing me at
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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 04:51

send plese the surce code in c of

help create clent server program

hel comunicate server ok mailer

send string end revive string help!!!!

c surce compile not run error programm crash program help!!! plese or send surce a winsock dll
compiled in dev c++

lib used


help plese comunicate help!!!

hello. tnaks, attend news

Anxiously awaiting BlueGUI v2

it informs to me when and ended BlueGUI v2
cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 23:04
I'm sorry I don't understand your problem. Maybe if you have a friend that speaks better english? Unfortunately I can't send the clientsocket source, at least not right now.

Based on the limited responses it looks like I won't be adding server support to the dll unless more people post requesting it. I will try and add a peekBuffer command as well as a clearBuffer command so those that want to use clientsocket with someone elses server software can do so. I just need to find the time first >.<

Hopefully I'll have it done by the end of the week.
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Posted: 20th Dec 2004 11:19
I may be interested in a client/server setup. I ma not to that point in the program, but knowing what options are out there will help.

cybernetic wraith
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 11:27
Project abandoned, you can close this thread. I recommend anyone who was using this dll to use exeats. I'm glad if my work was of any help to you.

Please do not e-mail me regarding this DLL anymore. Thank you.

If you want a reason it's basically because I won't bother spending my time extending software that should have this kind of functionality built-in but doesn't even have half its basic features working correctly. Even if they did start including this kind of feature it would cost another $25 as it would no doubt be an expansion pack of some sort. I'm sick of unsupported products that claim to be supported, and a lack of bugfixes, among other things.

That's why I'm being honest with you all and letting you know I do not intend to work on ClientSocket anymore... Sorry for any inconvienance this causes you. If you need the sourcecode because you depend on ClientSocket please send me an e-mail and I'll see what I can do for you.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 12:28

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