Hello. Ive just finished writing this object placer. Its to help position objects for keyframing of animation. You just load all your models then move them to where you want them to go. Note down the co-ordinates then use position object. Then move on to the next object. Hope it will be of some use to you
`Object Placer to help you get 3d co-ordinates for animating in DarkBASIC
`By Saberdude!
sync on
hide mouse
`Load or make objects you want to move
make object cube 1,10
` Change this to the object number you want to move
`Object position and rotation
x= object position x(obj)
y= object position y(obj)
z= object position z(obj)
xrotate= object angle x(obj)
yrotate= object angle y(obj)
zrotate= object angle z(obj)
`Camera position and rotation
camx= camera position x()
camy= camera position y()
camz= camera position z()
camrx= camera angle x()
camry= camera angle y()
camrz= camera angle z()
OldCamAngleY# = CameraAngleY#
OldCamAngleX# = CameraAngleX#
CameraAngleY# = WrapValue(CameraAngleY#+MousemoveX()*0.2)
CameraAngleX# = WrapValue(CameraAngleX#+MousemoveY()*0.2)
`Controls for object
if upkey()=1 then move object obj,1
if downkey()=1 then move object obj,-1
if rightkey()=1 then position object obj,(x+1),y,z
if leftkey()=1 then position object obj,(x-1),y,z
if controlkey()=1 then position object obj,x,(y-3),z
if shiftkey()=1 then position object obj,x,(y+3),z
if inkey$()="]" then yrotate object obj,wrapvalue(yrotate+1)
if inkey$()="[" then yrotate object obj,wrapvalue(yrotate-1)
if inkey$()="p" then xrotate object obj,wrapvalue(xrotate-1)
if inkey$()=";" then xrotate object obj,wrapvalue(xrotate+1)
if inkey$()="." then zrotate object obj,wrapvalue(zrotate-1)
if inkey$()="," then zrotate object obj,wrapvalue(zrotate+1)
`Camera controls
if inkey$()="w" then move camera 1
if inkey$()="s" then move camera -1
if inkey$()="d" then position camera (camx+1),camy,camz
if inkey$()="a" then position camera (camx-1),camy,camz
Yrotate camera CurveAngle(CameraAngleY#,OldCamAngleY#,24)
Xrotate camera CurveAngle(CameraAngleX#,OldCamAngleX#,24)
set cursor 0,0
Print "Use the arrow keys to move the object around."
print "Use CTRL and SHIFT to move the object UP and DOWN."
print "Use < and > to rotate the object LEFT and RIGHT."
Print "Use [ and ] to rotate the object CLOCKWISE and ANTI-CLOCKWISE."
Print "Use P and ; to rotate the object Up and DOWN."
Print "Use 'W', 'S', 'A', 'D' to move the camera around and use the mouse to look."
Print "Object Number",obj
set cursor 0,100
Print "X", x
Print "Y", y
print "Z", z
print ""
set cursor 0,150
print "X Rotation angle", xrotate
print "Y Rotation angle", yrotate
print "Z Rotation angle", zrotate
`Switch between objects. Coming soon
If nobodys perfect then im nobody!