Perilous is for people who play role playing games like D&D and GURPS, as an environment for playing online. The goal is to make the dm's job easier and more fun and to make the game more interesting for players.
- adaptable to any game system and rules.
- up to 6 players and a dungeon master
- direct play, no server fees
- different interface for players and dm. The dm has complete control over variables and objects during the game session.
-3D.. uses Worldmaker worlds. You can build levels in Worldmaker using .x objects and/or a matrix. Export a level directly to Perilous with the folder structure and media.
- File editor to edit the various arrays used in the game, including player setup, magic, weapons, object hit points, and scripts.
- when playing, there are 3 windows. The main window includes the 3d scene and buttons. Variables are displayed in the variable watcher window. The dm can scroll the vw window to see all the players variables. The console displays the chat, dice rolls, and other game action.
- dice rollers are universal. You can set them during play - number, die, additions. Dice rolls are broadcast to the other players.
Its ready to test.
So far, it has only been tested with two players. It connects, and seems to be working fine. It doesn't need much bandwidth and should work okay over a modem connection.
If you would like to test Perilous, here's the deal... Email me from here or use the form on the web site. I'll get back to you with a download url and a password.
What's expected from you if you test it - nothing in particular. What you get - a password to connect to "The Inner Sanctum" website. You can use the tag board, complain about bugs, get help, download updates to Perilous, download other programs, textures, and models. There's an online manual. Also, as a tester, you get to complain about things you don't like and request whatever you want.
The plan, if the program actually works
is for Perilous to be freeware. Anyone who contributes to the game or to the Awfuldark Forest in some way, gets a lifetime membership in the Inner Sanctum. Anyone who's code or dll was used to make Perilous or Worldmaker is welcome. Just email if you're interested. I'll be asking for a $5 donation from everyone else. You can use the pay pal link on my web site if you're interested in doing that.
Awfuldark Forest