[EDITED ON 21st September]
This is my latest beta version of game I'm entering into
Retro Remakes Compo. Only a week and a bit left so PLEASE
can some of you test my latest effort!
It is a maze game called 'Splat' originally done by Incentive
Software for the 48K Spectrum. I am going for a faithful remake
with as much extra stuff as I can get done in the time left.
Here are links to demo download (in three different flavours,
so no-one has an excuse they can't uncompress it!)
http://www.dbhut.com/zips/splatbeta.zip = 856 Kb
http://www.dbhut.com/rars/splatbeta.rar = 530 Kb
http://www.dbhut.com/7zips/splatbeta.7z = 492 Kb
cursors or I,P,Q,Z = move
Return = Pause (any key to continue)
Esc = Quit
You can now choose original speccy graphics or high-res
versions. Collect grass and plums for points. Red and
cyan stuff is deadly. Maze edge is really deadly.
Stuff still to do
~ main menu, instruction screen, redefine keys, etc
~ internet driven high score table (just realised I've got PHP
enabled on my website!)