I'm working on a FREE game called Fallin' Frank, and it is currently at version .9 Alpha. In the game, you star as Frank, and you must avoid the raising platforms before getting crushed at the top of the screen. Every 100 floors that you clear there is a new design.The floors increase in speed as the game progresses, and you can get powerups that will speed up Franks movement.
Right now everything is working fine (including the ability to submit your high-score online, directly through the program). By the final version there will be many more powerups, plus quite a few other features. The few options do nothing in the game yet, and there is no sound. But other than that, the game is fully playable and can get really tricky.
I have tested the online score feature countless times and it seems to work perfect, but I need you guys to put a stress on the server and make sure it is bug free. After downloading the game (about 1.12MB) you may wish to get the latest online scores by going to the SCORES section of the menu, then hitting UPDATE. If you are not connected to the internet and try to update the scores or submit your score online, some unexpected results might occur. So be sure your connected before doing any of the online stuff.
Fallin' Frank Website:
Fallin' Frank download link (Requires Zip utility):
Mogwai Entertainment home page:
Please let me know what you think so far. Comments and suggestions can be left here, in my forum, or my guestbook on my website. Enjoy!