I have used it before, it`s actualy been out for a while now <twilight zone theme & echoey voice> theres a bit of syncronicity creeping into things here, Lee started on the Amiga, Amigas AMOS basic started him off and inspired DB, and Dogwaffle was based on that famous Amiga program (the like of which I havent seen since) Deluxe Paint, things that go round come around again eh?, all we need now is somebody to find a PC version of my fave modeler (the only one I mastered) Real3D
PC1: P4 3ghz, 1gig mem, 3x160gig hd`s, Radeon 9800pro w cooler (3rd gfx card), 6 way speakers.
PC2: AMD 2ghz, 512mb ram, FX5200 ultra, 16 bit SB.
Mini ATX cases suck.