Ok, I posted this on the 'my thread was locked' one, but I don't think anyone's looking at that now. So I copied and pasted my previous post into this one
I agree with MikeS on this one. It wasn't really the violence as much as the 'R' rated material that got the thread locked. Some of Ilya's animations were pretty disgusting, espc. the last one, the 'ceiling gun.'
So please warn of any excess violence, gore, and/or sheer grossness ALONG with the link
Anyways, here's mine again:
A little violent (shows a stick person having his head kicked off) but no blood, no excess gore, and no grossness.
Abit violent. Has red blood spurts and two stick people being chopped in half by a stick-ninja (or somthing like that) but again, no grossness.
NEW! It's unfinished to an extreme, but the gist of it is still there. Two fencers go after each other. One gets his hand chopped off. Abit heavy on the blood, and there's a dismembered hand that flyes around, but nothing too extreme.
EDIT: ok, now that I viewed the rest of this thread... Holy cow, Oneka production! That second one, kabe, is pure genious! It's *VERY* well done!
As for Kerry vs. Bush... lol, funny... even though I Kerry
Cheers again
Ain't I teh kwel and l337 one?