IS a language, and IMO if COBOL qualifies as a language then HTML certainly does, COBOL Common Buisiness Oriented Language was more like something designed purely to print financial reports on line printers (I did a course on it on a PDP11 no less
, well boring ... I recall some of it... environment division, identification division, resource division, program division etc
), HTML stands for HyperText Markup
Language, and it could print reports just as well as COBOL....better actualy since I don`t recall COBOL being able to use images etc, the one I always wanted to try was the Jupiter Ace, you coded it in Forth, but when I later came to look at Forth I was totaly confused by the whole thing, I think structured types would like it though
PC1: P4 3ghz, 1gig mem, 3x160gig hd`s, Radeon 9800pro w cooler (3rd gfx card), 6 way speakers.
PC2: AMD 2ghz, 512mb ram, FX5200 ultra, 16 bit SB.
Mini ATX cases suck.