Don't mind Manticore........
Programming is writing out instructions in a language that a compiler can read. This compiler then translates your instructions into a language the computer can understand (this language is called binary ie: 10001100011010, it represents positive and negative electric charges running through the cables in a computer, but that's extra information you don't need at this point).
The specific instructions are called "commands". Each command has a keyword and parameters. When you type the keyword you are telling the computer to run the operations associated with the command to which the keyword is attached.
After the keyword you give the command parameters. These make the command work in different ways, and usually come in the form of numbers or letters.
Here's an example command:
PRINT "Hello, Babygirl!"
The keyword is PRINT, and we have only one parameter: "Hello Babygirl!". What the PRINT command does is read whatever you put in the quotation marks after PRINT, and type it on the screen.
That's just something to dip your toe into.
Here are things to look forward to:
load object "model.x",mymodel
rotate object mymodel, 270,90,180
if mouseclick()=1 then print "You clicked the mouse!"
There are many good books written about programming (I highly recommend the "For Dummies" series), I got most of mine from used book stores for dirt cheap ($8), and they were an enormous help.
If you are looking to make games, programming in a language like DarkBasic is a great way to start. If programming is not your bag though and you want a click things together, I would probably find something other than 3d Game Maker.
Crazy Donut Productions, Current Project: Project Starbuks
Sony stole our name!