Great Kangaroo2 I've done the upload of OutRun for ya
. This server may be a bit slow, once it's located in Brazil, which is just half world far from both of us
. They are 3 files, outrun, outruna and outrunb. I'm not sure what they do, but the outruna is the alternate set. Here are the links:
I've tested the links and they are working
. I also tried the rom to make sure it works and it does
. And the adress might look weird with a "//" b4 the "temp" folder, but it's right
Oh yeah, I have unlimited space in that server, so u can ask big roms too
So, u have those Arcade Machines
My dream is to have a big one of Street Fighter here or even Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4 players
God... how much I've played in that one
. U the first guy I know who actually owns an Arcade Machine
. Do u still can buy it in UK? Like, I've not seem Arcades in Sweden for years
Internet and home computers/consoles ate them I suppose. I kinda miss the feeling of Arcades, ya know, play a bit with friends after school and that stuff
. But one day I will have a street fighter one
Or maybe... build one myself
. Have u any idea how much an older machine can cost?
Hope u can get the rom to run on mame my friend. Here are some useful links too: ( site in italian, have always the latest emulators for everything... u dont need speak italian
just click in the links
). ( kaillera client, which allows mame ( and many others emus ) to run on internet for multiplayer. It's a very small dll ^_^. There u can always download the latest Mame Kaillera ( a Mame with Kaillera Client )
And last one, is not a site. It's the server I'm used to play
. It's called "GAMESNET.IT - kaillera server". It's a very hot server for classic games
To play Dungeons and Dragons with 4 players is just that good
+ It's impossible to cheat on those games as peoples do with Delta Force or Counter-Strike
. I'm always there as Megaman X. On Counter-Strike I'm as Rogue and DB forums as Evil Ryu
. All my heroes
cya my friend.
"A true warrior fights with skill, not anger..."
Gif edited by Kangaroo2