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Posted: 25th Oct 2004 10:03
Will we be able to create terrain for outdoor scenes?
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Posted: 25th Oct 2004 11:11
that would be very nice but it look as though you can from the movies i think there is an outside scene but my vision might be going

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Posted: 25th Oct 2004 12:23
3DGM had outside areas albeit surrounded by walls.

Whatever outside areas might be available in FPScreator. Can you say what the area limit of outdoor areas or level size limit if any might be?
Peter H
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Posted: 25th Oct 2004 22:43
they have said already that it's only indoor for now...

but they did say you could do like a couryard thingy

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Posted: 26th Oct 2004 02:15
No terrain just yet, but Lee did say that he wanted to add it. Just don't expect an early update to add it.

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 26th Oct 2004 02:24
Definitely no terrain yet.

You can build "outdoor" environments.. i.e. I had a map with 6 buildings and you could run from one to the other (outdoors) across the grass and ice. But you are still "enclosed".. there is no EverQuest style free-roaming and certainly no hills, etc.

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Posted: 26th Oct 2004 09:23
Sounds like terrain is the only major feature missing then. It would be nice to hear a definitive its coming sometime in the future.

The main game I'm making requires reasonable size outdoor areas and it would be good if one knew terrain was coming in the future or not. That way users could make the indoor levels first while awaiting terrain inclusion. Terrain is obviously an important feature in a large proportion of games - not having it is extremely limiting. Of course perhaps we may be able to fake some areas but - its not easy or very realistic is it.

I hope this wont affect the success of FPScreator too much as Its obviously going to be a great product. A lot of people wont be able to use it with this limitation but hopefully there will be enough to ensure its success.

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, as this question may appear elsewhere - sorry if thats the case, but wont FPScreator content be able to be merged to DB or DBPro so terrains could be integrated that way? I guess not?

Anyway it wont put me off getting FPScreator cos I'll make another game too.
Richard Davey
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Posted: 26th Oct 2004 09:39
As much as I'd like to see terrain in there, it's not going to happen for a while. FPS games vary in their inclusion of terrain a lot - Doom3 had none, while Far Cry sort of has it, but it's still an enclosed area, so it's fake in a way. Joint Ops had what I would term as "massive terrain" (hundreds of KM map), Painkiller was totally enclosed but again had lots of outdoor areas. Right now we're concentrating on that "enclosed" type which means yes you can model full outdoor scenes, you just can't have the player roaming over the hills and stuff.

Not yet anyway.

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Posted: 27th Oct 2004 02:48
If you will be able to open your maps in DBP, it should be possible to create your terrain that way... but you'd basically only be using fpsc as a map designer then. *sigh* oh wells... if terrain is coming then yay!
Lost in Thought
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Posted: 27th Dec 2004 09:58
Lee said at the question answering that FPSC was written in DBP 5.7. With this in mind I'm sure he will be able to quickly and easily make it terrain compatible in a later version.

David T
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Posted: 27th Dec 2004 18:33
I think due to the tiled system that terrain would be hard to include.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2004 22:27
Couldn't you just make a bumpy 3d model and import it? Then you'd have hills.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 27th Dec 2004 23:40
Quote: "Couldn't you just make a bumpy 3d model and import it? Then you'd have hills. "

To expand on that - is the collision system good enough to allow someone to walk over a small bumpy "hill" placed on ground level?

I'm thinking sand dunes, low walls you can jump over, foxholes, trenches, etc.

Actually can you do *anything* to the ground at all to roughen it up - I once saw a tutorial by someone who worked on Quake 2 which showed how they divided the ground into polygons (triangles) and raised/lowered vertices until the ground had an uneven appearance - looked terrible as a wire frame, but when textured it created an acceptable illusion.
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Posted: 28th Dec 2004 01:05
Good point PogoPogo. Maybe the system wouldn't be able to handle that collision detection. You could always do something to "cover up" the bumpy terrain, like a parking lot, perhaps. Oh well.

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