your always remember more for your greatest acts ... so really depends whether it'll crop up as the greatest thing you do.
and by greatest that isn't ment like, best thing - but something that will stand you out from the crowd of millions. but also its your greatest acts towards certain people ... it is less likely my closest friends will ever think of me as a developer and my work colleages think of me as a fighter - just depends what point of veiw you take.
that said a Politically incorrect game isn't one which is about running people down or killing people outright, that just isn't what political correctness is about.
Its about making everyone feel better about how they're different - and making sure everyone is shielded from the truths that could potentcially harm them.
This is why driving down a street trying to find out how many peds you can mow down isn't a politically incorrect game, it is simply a new way to kill people in games.
A game which isn't entirely politically correct would be one that has you say, strapping down a "spasticated" person and pumping them full og drugs before they can wiggle free ... or making a blind man cycling game.
Because you're making fun of those disabilities and outcasting groups of people!
voilence titles are just developed because people can't think of another outlet which will sell or be seen, so they make it as violent and gory as possible!
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?