@Anime Blood & Oneka production
Yes, we'll probably see an animator. Just putting things in priority of demand
lol, that might be the best one yet
@Eric T
@Van B
Yes, that would be a double benefit of the octree system. It could be designed to fully support the NGC system without requiring it. That would allow for very quick collision AND drawing.
This would allow the internal octree system to be shutoff for NGC so it can run the collision detection straight up.
@Lukas W
I think that'd be cool too. I don't know if I could justify it being free, well, unless it drew a lot of publicity, which it probably would, lol.
I stand corrected
I don't know if TGC's system actually splits the meshes or not. Doing mesh splitting at runtime would be nasty, lol, which means the octree system in U6 probably uses the poly's at hand. So they'd be similar but different breeds.
I was thinking the same. It would be nice to have a cheap alternative rather than paying out heavy cake all of the time.
Right on.
I think it's decided then. I've already committed to work out a vertex-lightmapper template system for the NGDN members. So that will be done first. It will be either cheap or free since it's vertex lighting.
Later we may expand to a version 2 where real lightmap images are created/exported. The price would be higher, but still competitive to what's already out. And version 1 would still be available.
After this I'll move to an octree system immediately and workout the details for that. There is one thing I need to know though, what would you all think to be a competitive, yet fair, price for an octree vis tool, with easy collision accesorizing, world map setup, etc...?
Would $29.95 without the NGC or $49.95 with the NGC sound fair?
(prices in U.S.D.)
When I say "without the NGC" that means you'd just be purchasing the octree system but would work with your current NGC or other collision proggy if you wanted.
When I say "with NGC" that simply means the octree tool and NGC system would come bundled together.
And no worries to current NGC buyers, we'll let you get the octree system for a discount
If you think that price is too steep or ackward let me know, give me some price feedback ranges that you would be comfortable with, etc... I don't want to overwork or underwork for what it will sell for. So... knowing in advance will allow me/us to put the best bang-for-yer-buck into the product.