I've been working on this small game over the past little while, trying to re-emmerse myself in 3D after spending 9 months working on a project that didn't use any...
So I decided to make this game. I don't have any server space so you are going to have to compile it yourself (unless someone would be kind enough to lend me a few mb's of space for the program...).
The source is in the source window. Just copy it into a new project. Then take the media and download the .zip file to the project folder you have it stored in. Then take unzip it so that there is a folder named media in your projects folder. Then Hit F5 and everything should work.
If you have any improvement ideas you can post them here.
I'm also looking for comments on what you think I could/should have done. I'm still fairly new, so any constructive criticism would help.
Oh, and thanks to Lost in Thought for helping me with some problems earlier in development.
EDIT - You can remove the Set Sound Volume line on line 32. That seems to render the penguin sound completely mute...
"Damn had to remake account!" direct quotation from previous account.