My top-ten in this order:
1. Doom/Doom2/Final Doom (nope, not Doom 3, wasn't like the others, but I probably wasted 1/4 of my youth playing Doom)
2. Half-Life and its offspring (Surely HL2 will make it up here when I play it)
3. Max Payne 1&2 (Bullet Time, me like)
4. Goldeneye (Wasted away many an hour playing this)
5. Metal Gear and its offspring (Tactical Espionage, don't mind if I do)
6. Duke Nukem 3d (/me still waits patiently for Duke Nukem Forever)
7. Unreal and its offspring + sequels (Especially UT2k4)
8. Grand Theft Auto series (From the 2d to the 3d, all great games, might move up in rank with the most recent one
9. Commander Keen (also provided me with so many hours of enjoyment)
10. Doom 3 (as I said, just wasn't the kill-fest the series was known for.)
Interesting list, but good list.
Quote: "7. Grabbed By The Ghoulies"
That has to be one of the worst games ever made (Rare [The Company not the term] at its worst).