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3 Dimensional Chat / 3dsmax bone help really desperate.

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Joined: 7th Jan 2003
Posted: 7th Jan 2003 16:37
Ive been doing 3d for about 5 years now. I can use Maya to animate, Poser to convert a hierachy and do the animation and I can also animate in milk shape.

Now for my question about animation/bones is 3dsmax, I create say a simle cylinder extrude it, Now I go to animation create bones, position them, Then I select both the cylinder and the bones, Now I go to the modifiers animation modifiers skin. Now when I move the bones, only the bones move not the mesh, How do i get this to work. I have read several 3dsmax boning tutorials and never gotten animation to work? I have had this 3dsmax boning problem for 2 years Im FRUSTRATED.

What I want is a video avi tutorial, for a simple bones animation. Where can I find one? Ive serached google, Kazaa, Direct connect cant find one anywhere.

I would really appreciate if someone could post a link or make a small camtasia divx tutorial on 3dsmax bones.
Dr DooMer
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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 18:15
Right, I'm no Max expert, but I do know how to solve your problem!

Create your cylinder, make sure it's got plenty of height segments, and place it in your scene. Set up a series of bones inside the cylinder, adding any IK modifiers that you need. Now, select your mesh on it's own, and apply the skin modifier to it. In the rollout box, there should be a small window and underneath it should be a button labelled "Add Bone"; click the button and add all the needed bones to the cylinder. Ta-da! Manipulate the bones and your cylinder should move with them!

If not, you might need to adjust the envelope of the bones. Naturally this is done by clicking on the "Edit Envelopes" button and then changing the envelope of each bone so it encompasses at least part of the cylinder. I think the default radius for the envelope is about 13.5, so if your cylinders radius is less than this, you won't need to make any changes.

Does this help alieviate two years of 3D Stress Max?

"I am a living, thinking entity who was created in the sea of information."
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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 22:55
another thing that helps me animate after you do what Dr DooMer said hit freeze object on your mesh not the bones..makes it alot easier cause you dont have to worry about accidentally selecting the mesh

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Posted: 7th Jan 2003 23:55
Thanx Dr DooMer, Most of my problems have been due to me not knowing about that envelope radius. Ive got it working fine now.

Dr DooMer
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Posted: 8th Jan 2003 01:16
Well, I'm only here to help! I'm just glad you got it working.

"I am a living, thinking entity who was created in the sea of information."
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Posted: 10th Jan 2003 15:31
yea, i was going to say that you may have messed up on the envelopes

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