Quote: "Eh... All distros are essentially the same. Think of it as a Reeses' Peanut Butter cup thing. The company may make a new candy, but there is always peanut butter in the middle. The outside just looks different. The kernel is almost always standard."
A good Kernel does not make a good OS. Especially when retards take it and then create thier own file systems, executable formats, etc...
they don't add standardise formats, so the only 'true' sense of standardisation is to release things as source code packages for the OS to compile it for it.
ever sat down and compiled OpenOffice before? takes a good 3-4hrs on a moderately powerful system. Who the hell needs that when Office 2005 is truely multiplatform, .Net is the reason for this.
Quote: "Yeah, my PC runs slow because windows runs about 3 high CPU use IE things and restarts them when I close them "
that make sense to anyone? if so, please translate
Quote: "That's nothing to do with the browsers or why Linux is bad!?"
Windows Administration although takes skill to make it air-tight, it has moderately idiot proof tools. Not to mention it is ALOT cheaper to get someone MSC Qualified..
If Linux had better tool for administration that didn't require alot of experience with to utilise properly; it wouldn't matter if the Admins didn't know what they're doing.
Further more anything you NEED to know about Admin for both is online; only try reading a Linux document on stuff, it might as well be written in another language sometimes.
Quote: "press the button, type the link/paste the link, press the button
or press the button, press the button, type the link in between
or copy the tags around it...its not going to take up much time...moaning about it does"
Actually this is a forum problem, not a firefox one. In InvisionBoard and phpBB they both will encapsulate data fine; but in this one they don't. You would think as Rich uses FireFox, it would be fixxed by now.. can't believe it has gone unchecked for so long.
my original question of which Rich believes is more secure PHP or JSP wasn't answered.. Although the site being PHP based might be an indication; a written answer would help.
considering that for portability most of FireFox is Java; JSP is simply a server side version of Java. If you don't trust Java for security, why the hell would you trust the security of your operating system from a broswer utilising that very language!
Java was never created for security, it was created for easy portability. C++ and Java have a very noticeable security flaw when passing data; and it actually completely exposes ANY operating system using it, despite how good an administrator believes themselves to be.
Because of this dependancy FireFox has a number of very worrying flaws, even more so on the Microsoft Windows platform; because of the interfaces it uses just to look and act like Windows. It has the exact same security flaws as Internet Explorer has for NOT utilising GTK and a 3rd party Messenging System.