Would you buy something that cost about $100 and was a laptop with nothing inside, but it directs input and recives output from your PC wirelessly. It would support a mouse, a keyboard, and a monitor. You must put little redirect thingys that direct input/output from/to the laptop-like thing? They're all connected to each other using a wire and the wire leads to a big, red button on your desk, in a steel case and 100%x30%x100% on XYZ, which triggers weither you're using the laptop-like object or not.
Will be cheaper than a laptop.
Lighter than one.
No need to copy files and settings.
Might be slow... and might not. Depends on how it's designed.
Your PC has to be on before you can use it, and you have to push the red button(once if you're always going to be using it).
Can't be too far away from your PC.
The $100 is a prediction, but there's LCD screens on ebay for $80, so the price might be $150. I could add sound, but I don't see why it's necesary considering you have PC speakers.
Quote: "I've seen the word programming and I'm not sure what it means. Anybody please explain?"
Quote: "We shouldn't sacrifice the truth to preserve "balance"."