Reads a text file into an array list with optional text wrapping.
updated code:
now demonstrates scrolling the text and how to show the text's display boundaries
set display mode 1024,768,16
rem text file to display
filename$ = "c:\vraylog.txt"
rem wrap text to this many characters (0 for no text wrapping)
maxCharWidth = 57
rem array list to hold text from file
dim words$(0) as string
rem check to see if file specified is a text file
if lower$(right$(filename$, 4)) = ".txt"
rem check if file exists
if file exist(filename$)
rem open file for reading
open to read 1, filename$
rem add text from file to array list
while file end(1) = 0
read string 1, temp$
if maxCharWidth > 0
wrapText(temp$, maxCharWidth)
array insert at bottom words$(0)
words$(array count(words$(0))) = temp$
rem close the file
close file 1
lin as integer
count as integer
tx as integer
ty as integer
lin = 1
count = 20
tx = 100
ty = 100
boxLength = text width(space$(maxCharWidth))
if maxCharWidth = 0 then boxLength = screen width()
boxHeight = text height(space$(1))*(count+1)
if upkey() = 1
if lin > 1 then dec lin, 1
if downkey() = 1
if lin < array count(words$(0))-count then inc lin, 1
rem box to show text boundaries
ink rgb(100,100,100),0
box tx, ty, tx+boxLength, ty+boxHeight
rem display the text
showText(tx,ty,lin,count, rgb(255,128,255))
until spacekey()
rem wraps text and adds lines appropriately to array list
function wrapText(t$ as string, max as integer)
r$ = left$(t$,max)
array insert at bottom words$(0)
i = array count(words$(0))
words$(i) = r$
nl = len(t$) - max
if nl > 0
t$ = right$(t$,nl)
wrapText(t$, max)
rem displays text starting at coordinates X,Y and starts with line "lin"
rem showing "count" number of rows (or until end of text is reached)
function showText(x as integer, y as integer, lin as integer, count as integer, color as dword)
if lin > 0
th = text height(words$(1))
L = 0
ink color, 0
for t = lin to lin+count
if t <= array count(words$(0))
text x, y + L*th, words$(t)
inc L
next t
"eureka" - Archimedes