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Dark GDK / Welcome

Richard Davey
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Location: On the Jupiter Probe
Posted: 1st Dec 2004 22:19 Edited at: 1st Dec 2004 22:21

Welcome to the Dark Game SDK board. We have created this place for everyone to be able to talk about the Dark Game SDK. All previous discussions from other boards will be moved here.



"I am not young enough to know everything."
- Oscar Wilde
Erick G
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Posted: 1st Dec 2004 22:33
Awsome ! I have almost finished downloading ... 69%
Richard Davey
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Location: On the Jupiter Probe
Posted: 1st Dec 2004 22:38
Erick - grab me on MSN once you're done, Mike wants me to mod you up on here, but it means logging out of the site - so wait for the download to finish!

"I am not young enough to know everything."
- Oscar Wilde
Erick G
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Posted: 1st Dec 2004 22:44
lol, Richard, you have blocked me on msn
Richard Davey
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Location: On the Jupiter Probe
Posted: 1st Dec 2004 22:46
Nah, don't think so. At least, you appearing to be talking to me perfectly alright at the moment

"I am not young enough to know everything."
- Oscar Wilde
Erick G
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Posted: 1st Dec 2004 22:51
yeah, for some reason MSN had heart failure when I tried talking to you. It is working now

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