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DLL Talk / This bug is NGC :)

Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:04 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2004 03:43
NGC doesn't appear to check collisions on objects that have been repositioned, either using position object or NGC's own SetObjGravityPRO, which is kind of strange. Unless I use move object on the player object, it goes straight through the floor.

Also, how would I go about having the collision system notice that the doors are moving? Right now, as soon as they start rotating the player object can go right through them.

Another test of DYN_RESP reveales that while the doors rotated one way, the collision zones rotated the opposite way.

It might be important to note that I'm using the CSM Angle command, because I have yet to be able to find a way to find out what object number something in a loaded CSM has. Clarification: CSM Group To Object crashes my computer.

Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 09:32
I think - I'm not sure - NGC isn't correctly updating the objects position all the time. A distance counter I have sometimes goes up or down, without any apparent movement of the player object

Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 09:36 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2004 09:36
Relevent (Fully working) source code - remove the object-specific collision commands to see the bugs.

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Posted: 13th Dec 2004 23:19
I'm thinking about buying NGC.
Is this still a problem in 3.01? Or is it fixed now?

Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 14th Dec 2004 06:36
It's in 3.01 - And your the first responce I've had to it.


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