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Dark GDK / Pixel Shader Demo

Chris K
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:09 Edited at: 1st Oct 2005 18:55
OK. This is weird.

I have a very bad integrated intel graphics card that has trouble running most 3D games (stuff like Virutal Lawn Mower).

However, the Dark SDK pixel shader demo works perfectly!! What?! I knew c++ could do some good things but getting pixel shaders to run on a non-pixel shader card is pretty impressive.

What's going on?

DBPro says my max pixel shader version() or whatever is 0.
I've never even tried to get shaders working in DBPro but now I'm wondering if it might work.

What's going on? I'm confused.


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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:13
That is odd - my works GeForce4MX wont display anything in the pixel shader program (except the background) - so I dont know whats going on... See if Mike knows

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Chris K
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:17
Well I tried to get them working in DBPro and it crashed the IDE and now it wants my CD before it will compile anything.

Not sure where that is...

oh dear.

I think I'll calm myself by watching that beautiful rainbow shader.
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:27
Quote: "Not sure where that is..."


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Chris K
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:29
I remember, I left it at school.

If I reinstall an upgrade will the message go away?
Richard Davey
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:30
Post a screen shot of it "working perfectly"

I just mean, what you think might be working perfectly, might not actually be doing anything shader related at all.

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Chris K
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:36
It seems to be working perfectly. The rainbow texture kind of crawls around on the surface like some heat image.

The bubble looks brilliant, I like the spot of light on it.

The cartoon shader seems to be working fine.

The pyramid might not be working. I'm not sure what it's showing.

Here's the shots:

OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:42 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2004 03:44
Thats a bit different to my one (the right-hand object) :

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Chris K
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:46
But still, I think mine is fairly impressive running on an:


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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:51 Edited at: 3rd Dec 2004 03:52
My works W2000 machine has a variation of that controller.
It is awful.

Probably lucky DBPro actually runs on it...

And for fact fans, the hard drive has only 200Mb free so it takes over 10 minutes to compile any in VS...

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Peter H
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:53
lol..look at mine...(with a GeForce MX420 )

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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2004 03:55
Yes, thats also what a Geforce4MX does...
With DarkSDK the usual errors you get (cant load music/cant find a decent graphics card etc) are no longer applicable, so you wont get any errors the card cant handle pixel shaders...

Which is, but it does mean extra checking in programs will now be needed.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2004 10:38
Quote: "Thats a bit different to my one (the right-hand object) "

Yes, it does look different, but it is working. Very weird!

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Great Knight
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Posted: 6th Dec 2004 11:53
look at mine. My right object looks different than all yours lol.
This is on a ATI Radeon 900

Chris K
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Posted: 6th Dec 2004 22:59
Why the hell does it work?!?

This is so weird.

The FPS example runs at about 18FPS but the shaders work fine!

Van B
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Posted: 6th Dec 2004 23:27
Maybe your version of DX came from some weird SDK with software supported drivers. For example, my first 3D app was a screensaver that I wrote using the software DX7 driver from the VB DX SDK. It ran very very nicely on my cruddy PC at the time.

Where did you get your DX?


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Preston C
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Posted: 6th Dec 2004 23:31
Bah, I can't get the shader demo to work without it crashing my computer. I think it has something to do with the bubble shader, because my own shaders run perfectly in my own DBP apps.


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Chris K
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 03:44
I got DirectX from the Microsoft website.


Are there any shader demos I can download from somewhere for further testing?
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 04:24 Edited at: 7th Dec 2004 04:27
Someone told me that if the video card cannot do the effect, it is sofware rendered by the cpu.

I do not know when this happens , maybe it only happens in certain computers, with the right card, drivers, win & DX version.

Could this be an extra of the VC++ compiler?

Try shaders of the ultimate shader threat (probably will crash too) or take 3rd party shaders demos, just to try.
Preston C
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 04:36
Quote: " Someone told me that if the video card cannot do the effect, it is sofware rendered by the cpu."

No, I honestly doubt that. I used to try the shader demo's with my old card (and Intel Graphics chip with *dun dun dun* less than 4 MB of memory allocated to the bastard) before I got my NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200. It'll probably turn out to be a white or black no shaded image of the model to be rendered, thats what happened for me.

Quote: "Could this be an extra of the VC++ compiler?"

I wish, but no. Visual C++, nor any C++, is integrated with the graphics card, or any graphics api's, in any way. It couldn't do this, and I doubt they programmed DirectX to do it either (though, I could be wrong).

Though, there is a software rendering version of OpenGL that'll do this kind of stuff. Not sure about DirectX.


Intel Celeron 1.3 Ghrz | 512 MB Ram | NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 128MB
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billy the kid
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 13:31
Actually DirectX will software render if you tell it to. Ive done some DirectX programming, and you can software render as a last resort or tell the user to get a new video card. So its probably working for Chris because DirectX is software rendering. And it probably isnt working for people with better cards because the program is detecting that their card can kinda support shaders.
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Posted: 17th Dec 2004 00:04
Billy, are you sure that also applies for shaders?

The thing is that my source steps back in what he said. I suppose now that, that software option is only available if you explicitly write the code that supports it.

This also should be true for shader 'emulation' code, programing in a similar effect without really changing the render pipeline. Uh.

Besides, cards like the nvidia mx4-- series can do dx9 effects (very slowly) although they are only dx7 hardware. Maybe they return wrong values for the get max pixel shader version() function.

Any comments would be interesting...
billy the kid
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Posted: 17th Dec 2004 01:37
This is a link to the DirectX documentation that talks about the hardware and reference devices:

To sum it up for you, you can create 2 different devices for rendering, hardware and reference. But only 1 is allowed at any given time. The hardware device is self-explanatory I think. The reference device can be used to render any and all DirectX features which includes shaders. But remember you need to program the shaders yourself. However the reference device is VERY slow since it uses the CPU to do everything.

That answer your question?
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Posted: 18th Dec 2004 22:54
Yes indeed, it clarifies a lot of things, and in a more 'rigourous' way. Thanks!

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