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Joined: 30th Nov 2004
Posted: 5th Dec 2004 06:03
Some questions:

1) From the screenshots, I see that the graphics are quite good. What kind of system requirements will you need to run them at good quality?

2) Will there be a built-in graphics editor?

3) You can import 3D models. Can you export ones that came as one of the default themes to another program to edit? (I really don't care about this if there's a good built in editor.)

4) About that head in the corner of the screen. . . are there different heads you can choose from?

David T
Retired Moderator
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Location: England
Posted: 5th Dec 2004 17:53 Edited at: 5th Dec 2004 17:54
Quote: "1) From the screenshots, I see that the graphics are quite good. What kind of system requirements will you need to run them at good quality?"

I don't think you'll need a superpowerful PC. Lee's got some sort of visibility system in there so that should speed things up. Probably around the same for DBPro games.

Quote: "2) Will there be a built-in graphics editor?"

I do not think so, not sure though. I think the only 'editor' is the segment editor where you can import your own models.

Quote: "3) You can import 3D models. Can you export ones that came as one of the default themes to another program to edit? (I really don't care about this if there's a good built in editor.)"

I expect there'll be a "media" directory where all models files are. You oculd try opening them.

Quote: "4) About that head in the corner of the screen. . . are there different heads you can choose from?"

See topic just below this "Removing that little head in the corner of the screen "

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Posted: 5th Dec 2004 21:43

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