@Menmonix .. Why people never read entirely what I say !!!
Explaining :
An editor isn't a game, it's a software
A game maker isn't a game, it's a software
a music tool isn't a game, it's a software
a game is a software .
so :
Quote: "
game is a software ... but softwares aren't always games
these words resume all
The real correct name should be :
Dark Game Development Kit !
Can you make a software you can sell ??? no ! ( even with the shareware version )
Can you make a game you can sell ??? yes !
so Game development kit is the correct name !
I don't criticize the quality of package but the name !!!!
We must call a cat, a "cat" ! and not something else !
you call say what you want the reality is here ... don't call something software if you are not allowed to create "various kind" of software, only 1 of 10000 !