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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Can FPSC Make Halo type games?

funky buddy82
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 10:28 Edited at: 8th Dec 2004 05:48
Will FPSC be able to make games like Halo?

Mod Edit: Attachment deleted.

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 10:38
I dunno... will Bungie/Gearbox ever use it?
I'm not sure it has Matrix/Terrain use yet, not to mention lack of shaders for default use. So the answer is unlikely for the game support to be built-in for that eschelon of game, however using DBP to enhance it.. greatly possible.

Richard Davey
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 10:49
Quote: "Will FPSC be able to make games like Halo?"

No - because there is no co-op or on-line deathmatch style mode available for the first version, which is central to what makes Halo so fun. Also, you cannot script cut-scenes, again another important element. As for shooting aliens - well, sure.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 11:03
Rich - Didn't you say that online WOULD be supported in the first full version? Hmm... Must of read wrong.

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David T
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Posted: 7th Dec 2004 21:59
What is a Bush Cheney logo doing attached to that post?

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dark coder
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Posted: 8th Dec 2004 00:04
looks like someones hosting there images off here

why would you want a game like halo, you cant expect a wysiwid game maker to be able to recreate every type of mern day game in the click on a button, that would require alot of coding and time. if you can have terrains and such then im sure you can recreate a game similar.

Van B
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Posted: 8th Dec 2004 01:09
The building blocks in FPSC should mean making Halo style levels is easy enough, and the media itself is not a concearn - I doubt you'll ever be able to have a very in-depth plot though.

The level editor does look like adding a terrain would confuse matters - like if the space your allowed for your level is 50x50x10 or something, having varying terrain heights would make it tricky to layout the level given that 10-high limit - maybe a height editor would be required to make it less painfull to add terrains. There's certainly nothing stopping Lee from adding terrain support.


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Posted: 8th Dec 2004 03:54
Quote: "There's certainly nothing stopping Lee from adding terrain support."

Except he probably has a million and one other things to do...FPS Creator cant do everything and its not meant to, if you want a game like Halo go code it in DBPro...

Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 8th Dec 2004 04:48
Quote: "The level editor does look like adding a terrain would confuse matters - like if the space your allowed for your level is 50x50x10 or something, having varying terrain heights would make it tricky to layout the level given that 10-high limit"

I wonder how seemless you can make level transitions? Maybe if the levels load quickly enough and there are options to NOT display a loading message or screen you could simply chain levels together to give the illusion of steadily moving up mountain pass or down into the depths of a canyon. Obviously you couldn't have sweeping vistas where you see hills and valleys in the distance (unless you faked it with skyboxes somehow)
Van B
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Posted: 8th Dec 2004 05:04
Yeah, good point. It'd probably be best done through the script system, but it should be possible. It'd be cool to return to an area you've already been in, except intersept the loading so that it loads an alternate level, like with no lights and more monsters for example. It could be tricky to return to areas though, because the level would need the player start position changed. I imagine that setting a player location is gonna be fairly easy using the scripts though.


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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 8th Dec 2004 12:06
Quote: "Yeah, good point. It'd probably be best done through the script system, but it should be possible. It'd be cool to return to an area you've already been in, except intersept the loading so that it loads an alternate level, like with no lights and more monsters for example."

I think in a recent diary Lee wrote that he was working transporters/teleports - I'm hoping that these will let us blip the player around the level and not just drop in monsters.

If so this might also be a way to rapidly chain areas together. I like the idea of returning to an area where the lighting goes out - could be a great way to unnerve players

Wlaks down a long hall candlelit hall with tall windows where you can see a storm raging outside. As you get to the end facing a large oak door theres a crash of thunder and breaking glass - lights go out. Spin around and now your facing a black hallway with broken windows, the roar of wind and rain and the only illumination are beams of moonlight streaming in from outside... and of course something is moving back down there in the shadows towards you. Oh shiz!
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Posted: 8th Dec 2004 20:11
Transporters will be in the program, and you can certainly use them to jump your player around like that ... I'm not too sure how you'd do the lightning stuff though.

The levels will allow you to move forward only (level 1, 2, 3 etc) and not back, but there would be nothing to stop you having level 1 and 3 identical in all but the required particulars. Didn't Quake2 work in this sort of way?

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