I like the nice bright colour scheme, but the main characters are a little plain, perhaps some stuffed-toy fur would look cool.
The controls were all pretty easy to suss out, I like to use space as jump, but maybe map the special use key to '0' on the keypad too, it's easier to get at than shift while keeping fingers on all keys. The movement is very responsive, if I was to do anything to it, I'd try and get a smoothly rotating camera, like turning slower than the player so weaving around obstacles feels better.
I did'nt notice any bugs other than when it told me, but there was nothing that jamp out except some Z-Depth battling with the shadow plains.
Seemed ok, a playable speed anyway - did you lock the frame rate?
* Both players start in the same spot.
* Z-Depth problems on shadows.
* Tart up player textures.
* Smooth rotate camera.
* Map special key to '0-ins' too.
* Use a negative ghosted plain with a blurred shadow texture instead.
Nice work, keeping an eye on this one
It's c**p being the only coder in the village.