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Dark GDK / Fullscreen

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Posted: 9th Dec 2004 00:05
How do I get into real fullscreen with sdk like in DBPro? I have tried using dbSetDisplayMode but that just changes window size and stays in windowed mode.
Rob K
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Posted: 9th Dec 2004 00:48
Try dbSetWindowOff

BlueGUI:Windows UI Plugin - All the power of the windows interface in your DBPro games.
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 9th Dec 2004 00:54
Bewarned that if you come out of FSEX mode and back into window mode, the desktop resolution will have changed (temporarily). In addition, I found it was impossible to then go back into FSEX mode again (the program appeared to hang) - even with re-loading the graphics.

Walk softly... and carry a big gun...
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Posted: 9th Dec 2004 01:02
thanks, it works. I have one more question is it possible to hide the window that displays when game start that says Dark Game SDk
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Posted: 9th Dec 2004 03:44
Ideally, this is where obtaining the HWND and MessagePump for the application would be handy. Such resources could be used for multi-linqual support via Resource tables etc. Unless this is already supported but not documented.


Home of the Cartography Shop - DarkBASIC Professional map importer
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Posted: 9th Dec 2004 03:54
You could use LoadResource to access any resource now. Its possible to get HWND handle, and you can always add your own message pump.

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Posted: 9th Dec 2004 03:59
Well, yeah true, but as for new developers that have only started out to use the SDK, they may not necessarily be familiar with Windows concepts. It's just an idea for added user support/documentation etc. Ideas are the thing that dreams are made of.


Home of the Cartography Shop - DarkBASIC Professional map importer
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 9th Dec 2004 04:01
Hopefully the documentation will be updated soon(ish).

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