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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Question for 3D model makers

Cloud of Crows Studios
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Joined: 22nd Nov 2004
Posted: 12th Dec 2004 00:49
In anticipation of FPSC I want to begin creating 3D models of some of the enemies for my game.

What would be the best program to create, texture and/or animate them in? Keeping in mind these 2 requirements:

1) I'm fairly inexperienced with 3D modeling (limited experience with older versions of Poser & Bryce. Played with a demo of Rhino that I liked but was a little daunted by it. My skill level is more along the lines of DOGA


2) The program should export directly to .x format without any hastles of "converting" the final file.

Thanks for any suggestions and pointers!
OTS Software
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Posted: 12th Dec 2004 07:24
Deled is pretty good. It's free at the moment, is simple to use, and exports to .X files.
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Joined: 7th Jan 2005
Location: Preston, England
Posted: 8th Jan 2005 02:04
hey there, a bit of a wait...
You could use Milkshape, its a good clean modeller.
Also, you could try a program called Lithunwrap to unwrap your 3d models...a very simple program and i think compatible with milkshape. Hope this helps you.

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