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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Got a few more questions about FPSC.

Game Freak10K
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Posted: 20th Dec 2004 16:31
1. When I start up my game is it possible to have a small video clip play? The video clip would be for a logo, or the intro to the game.

2. Will there be a generic loading screen provided or can i make my own custom loading screen?

3. Someone asked about cutscenes. Now I know you cant make them in the FPSC, but if I made a cutscene and recorded it as a video file in some other program, could I play that in between a level?

4. Can models interact with surroundings? (Fire burns enemy, piston kills enemy, etc etc)...Im guessing the scripting system would allow that, but id like an official statement. (*if thats not too much trouble )

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David T
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Posted: 20th Dec 2004 17:52
Quote: "1. When I start up my game is it possible to have a small video clip play? The video clip would be for a logo, or the intro to the game."

You can definately customise sreens that appear - I don't know to what detail.

Quote: "2. Will there be a generic loading screen provided or can i make my own custom loading screen?"

I think it'll be possible to make your own.

Quote: "3. Someone asked about cutscenes. Now I know you cant make them in the FPSC, but if I made a cutscene and recorded it as a video file in some other program, could I play that in between a level?"

Same as bove - there's limited scope for scripting that sort of thing. I seem to remember somebody saying FMV wasn't supported though.

Quote: "4. Can models interact with surroundings? (Fire burns enemy, piston kills enemy, etc etc)...Im guessing the scripting system would allow that, but id like an official statement. (*if thats not too much trouble )"

You could create a kill zone where the fire is, that'd harm the player. And you couold attah a simple script to the fire working out the distance between it and an enemy and if so the hurt them.

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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 20th Dec 2004 18:31
You could always chain executables...

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 20th Dec 2004 23:47
Quote: "You could always chain executables..."

A viable option, but only if the chaining will pass variables.

For example say I end level 1 with 80% health, a shotgun with 7 shells, and an assualt rifle with 42 rounds... now after the cutscene plays and the next level loads will I still have these or will everything have to be reset to default (say 100% health and a pistol with unlimited ammo)

Of course I realize you can specify the start weapon(s) for a level, but thats not really the same thing.

In some cases it would be valid to "Refresh" a character after a cutscene... this happens quite often in the game Halo, but it's not always what the designer intended.
Game Freak10K
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Posted: 21st Dec 2004 10:25
Thanks y'all!
PogoPogo youve posed an interesting question, ill elaborate:
Is it possible to control how much health and weapons the player has when switching between levels?

Just one more question (I dont mean to pester):
Its been said that scripts control that means I can have a medic hidden in a level somewhere, and when I find him hell give me a health boost (say Im below 50%) and hell talk and stuff when I press 'ENTER' near him? Or have a soldier hand me some ammo, or armor? (That would be AWESOME!!!)

Again thanks for the answers. (Now ive got even more work to do!)

Comics and Games-Bread and Butter.
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Posted: 21st Dec 2004 21:36
You could probably do that. How hard it would be, I don't know.
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Posted: 21st Dec 2004 21:37
Quote: "Its been said that scripts control that means I can have a medic hidden in a level somewhere, and when I find him hell give me a health boost (say Im below 50%) and hell talk and stuff when I press 'ENTER' near him? Or have a soldier hand me some ammo, or armor? (That would be AWESOME!!!)

Yeah that should be possible. It seems like the scripting language is really flexible.

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