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Work in Progress / TML: Village under construction

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 12th Jan 2003 19:11
Yay! It's time for the fun part of TML, making the map =) I'm working on the first village and it's soroundings at the moment and I'm gonna put up shots on my site when it's done. It's start looking really good now =) When I got some houses out I thought it looked so great that I should give you a shot. Texturing is a breeze now with my new texture tool =)
[b]Digital Awakening
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Digital Awakening
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Posted: 12th Jan 2003 19:11
Missed the image:

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 12th Jan 2003 23:41
That looks great! Its really coming on well

Personally (for the final project, obviously I know this is not a priority) I would have thought that a shadow is needed for the character and buildings, a fake one could be added easily as a plain, or obviously DBP will generate them if you want. OR if you don't want shadows, if you add the line "Set Ambient Light 100" the current shadowing on the textures of the model will be lost and you'll get a cartoon, shaded effect which might look cool for the game

The above isn't criticism, its just that that objects have shadowing and shading from the light, but not is cast on the floor, so you get a small cut and pasted look. But don't take this wrong, it looks brilliant and I'm well impressed with your work

Also, how about maybe adding a floating hand to the sword like on the logo on your website? Maybe it wouldn't fit in with the look of the game, I just tht it looked cool I think hands but no feet would be cool, but its obviously completely up to you!

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 00:15
Thanks =)

A plain would get under the matrix cause it's almost never straight. The hardware shadow is buggy with advanced objects and you need a DX8+ card. There are other ways but I don't have the time. I want shading, that's why ambient is set at 20%. I think it gives a modern cartoon style.

If it where up to me I would have added hands before anyone saw the character. But it's not my character, I use it under contract for the contst and he never had hands in the previous 14 (or so) games.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 13:48
Ah ok I understand

Yes I like the shading, there's just the slight issue of shadows like I said. I appreciate the matrix is not flat so a plain under the character would not work properly - but you could add ones for the buildings, it looks like they are on flat land You could add a ghosted plain under the character slightly higher than the ground that angles itself according to the matrix (like in the tank examples) but this would be complicated

Anyway like I said this game is looking really cool. And its been said before, but the sky is top draw

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 13:58
Thanks again =)

I can't use a plain for buildings either cause the land are not always flat around them. Some will be placed near mountains or cliffs.

Yepp, I could make such a shadow for the character if I had the time. But I don't.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 14:47
I like them buildings, and terrain and sky... I like it all
What, may I ask are your frame rates like?

You sure are motering I'm way behind because I've had to totally recode the editors and engine from scratch

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Digital Awakening
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 17:32
Thanks =) I get about 60 FPS without 4xAA and 2xAF that the image is taken with. There will be options to speed up the game for slower systems.

Mothering? What does that mean?

I wish you good luck completing your game in time =)

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 22:56
motoring, as in motor... (typo)

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
Kousen Dev Progress >> Currently Working On Editors
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 01:30
Ah =)
Get the demo!

[b]Digital Awakening
Game in developement: 3D RPG - The Magic Land
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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 01:50
why not just use a texture projection shadow?
just a thought (^_^)

well looks good anyways

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 02:11
Texture projection?

[b]Digital Awakening
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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 08:33
Texture Projection (i remember seeing somewhere that DBpro has it built in but i've not had a chance to check everything) is quite a complex affair generally.
You add a second set of UV Coordinates to an object, and then either using a basic vector to trace light or a premade shadow for the building - you'd take this second set of the UV Coords and then plot the blending points upon the second UV Map then simply combine the first and second set (kinda like a simple shader)

check about DBpro for a projection function or vector ... because they're very useful for making decals that conform to the world rather than having to be plains.

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!

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