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Dark GDK / New Update to DGSDK mentioned in December Newsletter

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Joined: 4th Jun 2004
Posted: 24th Dec 2004 10:47
The December newsletter has a nice writeup about an upcoming update to the DGSDK. The new stuff is pointers to objects. The example is:

sObject* pBox = dbMakeObjectBox ( 10, 10, 10 );
dbPositionObject ( pBox, 0, 0, 0 );

Just as important to me is bug fixes and improved help files. I hope they include lots and lots of examples and sample usage!
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Posted: 24th Dec 2004 23:56

This will be handy for me at creating overloaded functions for dealing with common properties and methods of different types of pointer .

You could probably take it further, c++ knowledge permitting however.
I await it dearly.

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Posted: 26th Dec 2004 04:49
Did you received the newsletter through mail ? I'm registered and have nothing in my mailbox

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Posted: 27th Dec 2004 00:40
I just read the newsletter and I love it
Can't wait for the update

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Erick G
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Posted: 27th Dec 2004 01:12
Quote: "Hi,
Did you received the newsletter through mail ? I'm registered and have nothing in my mailbox

Check on the main TGC website, and click on the news section.

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