Quote: " Your reply just saved this thread from being locked."
Well, thats not what normally happens from my replys, but hey, whatever floats the boat.
Quote: "those worst hit probably didn't even own a radio, let alone a TV, and the warning systems just weren't in place anyway even if they all did."
Those worst hit would be the small back-water islands that had huge populations (as most countrys in that region do TBH)... that are completely wiped out.
Quote: "(am not directly referring to you Eric)"
So your indirectly refering to me?
Anyway, I personally think there was a HUGE underestimation of the waves from the people even in those videos. Of course those we\'re smaller ones, but I've been on the boardwalk in AC during a stormy day... you can see even 5 foot waves off in the distance. So (more clearly then last time) i am trying to say is that the people on the beaches underestimated what was coming... and/or didn't have the time to get away even if they tried, so they just kissed there asses good bye.
Quote: "Posting the videos anywhere for any purpose is a bit insensitive, but leaving them without a reason manages to convey the impression you put them there for no other reason than sheer enjoyment."
I agree he didn't really have a point when he posted the videos... he didn't even describe anything and left it to poor exeat to type up a description.
Quote: "Most of these people dont understand enough about what has happened to react in any other way. Same as the WTC and Beslam in September, they dont understand enough about them, but still decide to post."
I think it is more of a fact that some of us don\'t care. Alot of people take it as "It hasn't happened to me, who cares" and there opinions fully reflect that. MY opinion is that its sad, it happened, i'll throw my loose change in the donation jar at the gas station... but i won't stop eveyrthing i have done for this tradgedy. I won't change my daily routine... nada.. and i didn't for 9/11. Even though i live in one of the countrys biggest target zones (Deseret Chemical Weapons Dsiposal Plant is just a few miles up hwy 36), i still don't change my daily routine, or the way i think. Disasters happen... life goes on for some of us.
Quote: " its a mockery of mass death. "
Erm, i think this sprung because 1 person made the comment of "it was sorta funny that in all this foreign language screaming, we here a "Holy crap!" in it". I don't take that as a mockery, i feel that was jsut pointing out a small little quirk. Of course, there we\'re a few insensitive posts that said basiclly "That region can blow me". That i do not agree with... but it is an opinion none the less.
Anyway.. my typing is starting to slurr... so i shall quit while i still have a head.
<Mouse> lag, d'you like "real" RPGs? : <drac_work> ... : <drac_work> isnt that an oxymoron : * Mouse slaps drac_work :
<Mouse> don't contradict me bitch