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DLL Talk / NG Ray casting speed

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Posted: 31st Dec 2004 00:42
I'm using NG to cast a ray in my game, and it slows down my program tremendously. It's only 30 3d-space-units long, but its very slow. The rest of my program runs perfectly fine. Can anyone please give me some tips on how to speed up my ray-casting?
Lost in Thought
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Posted: 31st Dec 2004 10:15
What version NGC are you using (V2.03 is faster than 3.01 for some reason)? You may want to check into Sparky's ray casting dll found here It is way faster than NGC ray casting as well as DBP's intersect object.

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Location: Wherever my feet take me
Posted: 31st Dec 2004 23:06
I'm using 3.01. Thanks!
David T
Retired Moderator
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Posted: 4th Jan 2005 20:55
I have the version 2 - I managed to keep around 80 fps with quit a few casts

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