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Work in Progress / TML: Demo soon!

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 22:32
As I mentioned in the other thread I'm planning on releasing an official demo of the first village in TML soon. It's soon as in maby today =) I got dialogs written for all villagers and I have made portraits for them as well. Damn it's cool now =) I'm gonna make some stones, take some shots and put them on my site and fix a few things and then I will upload the demo here.

Get ready!
[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 22:54

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 22:57

your birth was a blessing, sent to live and die on earth as a lesson, we each have a star all you have to do is find it, once you do, everyone who sees it will be blinded - DMX
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 13th Jan 2003 23:57
I have now posted 5 new shots on my site. Take a look at them while you are waiting.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Digital Awakening
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 01:07
Ok everybody, it's here =)

The readme is written (read it first), the files are virusscanned (nothing found on my whole system) and zipped down. And the zip is uploaded on my webhotel.

You will need a monitor capable of 800x600x32. The file is 5MB large.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 01:53
downloading now

[url=]The Magic Land[url] <- for all the lazy people

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 01:55
damn buggy forum
wonder why those kinda links never work ... i dont' care who fixxes it - me want the link and buttons working properly without it giving me and error, bodging up code or links

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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 14:40

Downloading now...

Alex Wanuch
aka rapscaLLion
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 19:49
Dude I just downloaded this and wasn't dissapointed is excellent! The graphics look brilliant working, the camera controls work perfectly, and I love the way you are restricted to the path in your movements, it adds a progressive feel, like when you move around the hill then back up to talk to the red dude, the sublime water movements --- the whole thing just ooozes quality and makes me hungry to play a proper version. SOOO impressed well done my son

Possible things to think about adding for new versions (Again just suggestions not criticism)
1. If a character has a long speal - more than one speach blocks worth to say - don't make him repeat it all if you talk to hium twice in a row. This is a major annoyance in many similar games, and would be easy to fix
2. Add an option to change screen res, depth AND BRIGHTNESS. Brightness varies widely on PCs from my experience, and your demo looks great on one of my PCs but way too dark on my other graphics card. You could have the ambient light ranging between about 20 to 70 for different cards.
3. Ignore what I said about the shadows - it looks fine once its moving

Anyway this is quality, nice 1

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 20:46
Thanks a lot =) You should here some over at RGT complaining that they cant walk over the hills =) But you can walk around most houses etc so your not that restricted.

1. The blacksmith talk will only be once in the real game. You will even start without the weapons and then the model will change to the one with the weapons after you talked to the blacksmith.

2. You will be able to change to 1024x768. But there will be options to turn of the waves and use lower res matrix textures to speed up the game. If I increase the ambient you won't get the cool shadows, making the game look bad. But adding gamma controlls in the options may happen, thanks for making me think of it.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 21:21
Hehee ... i kinda liked this
i mean there are some questionable things - like you're new in town, yet the blacksmith talks as if he knows you.
And the people collision is a little on the "odd" side cause i kept walking into thier faces before he stopped.

i notice you answer'd the question about the weapons - gave me a chuckle to see he wants weapons yet clearly is walking around with them
i wanna go into more houses. Kinda like the way the roof disappears when you go inside the blacksmiths.

You've not altered the standard veiw though have you
Personally i'm not even sure why they have FullScreen - Streched Resolution, but 640x480 stretched to 1280x960 is pretty ugly with the semi-blended jaggies, had to put on FSAA just to make it blend better.

Well anyways, good demo - look forward to the "official" demo hehee

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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 21:58
Yeah I guessed he'd start with no weapon the restricted movement is a GOOD thing, it stops you getting lost or having to put unconvincing walls everywhere to stop people going where they aren't sposed to. RPGs need to have some form of linear structure, just so long as you can do things in the order you think of them the game will still flow

I noticed a spelling mistake
"Yes I saw 3 other things falling down beond the mountains." should be:
"Yes I saw 3 other things falling down beyond the mountains."

With the whole speech thing I didn't just mean the blacksmith; for example the first guy you talk to, the conversation goes;
Him: Welcome to Faraway Town Stranger.
You: Thanks I'm looking for some weapons, do you know where I can find some?
Him: Sure we have a blacksmith in town, I'm sure you can find him.
Which is fine, but if you talk to him a second time, he should just say "We have a blacksmith in town, I'm sure you can find him."

The guy on the hill says;
Him: I saw you fall from the sky!
You: Did you see something else fall from the sky?
Him: Yes I saw 3 other things falling down beyond the mountains.
However, the second time you talk to him, he should just say
"I saw 3 other things falling down beyond the mountains."
This is fairly standard RPG practice, as it gives a clearer direction of what you're supposed to do, and deosn't annoy you with too much repetition.

Actually increasing the ambient to 70 on my GF2 card gives the same ammount of shadowing to a sphere primative as 20 on my GF4! It seems to vary. I would recommend staying away from the GAMMA command as it seems to freeze some people's (not my) PCs

I think the view is fine, infact it works really well

Like I said already, this is great! Keep up the good work

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 14th Jan 2003 22:51
Thanks for correcting my spelling, nobody have found that before =)

Well, adding flags for all dialogs longer then one line would take too much time as it's not coded in. Since it's my first real game I think it's ok, the game is really small too. I will improve that in my comming action adventure game.

Well, on my GF2 it looks perfectly. I think the problem is your monitor. If you can't increase the birghtnes it's simply too old.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 15th Jan 2003 00:41

No, my monitor is only a year old, its a Digital one, and you can increase the brightness, its just some graphics cards have different settings. My friends GF2 is ok so I'm not blaming it on that, I just think its a manufacturer compatibility descrepancy I'm currently working on a fix for screen resolutions, brightness, detail levels etc which you may want to use (but I won't b offended if you dont ) I'll be posting that it its own thread when its finished

Either way we're slippin off topic, the game is great and I seriously look forward to its release! What are the other games in the series, where are they available? Did you make them, or somebody else?

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 15th Jan 2003 00:45
That's weird. Can't you change the settings of the card? I can easily modify the brightness of my GF2 Pro in realtime in the settings.

Nope, I din't make them. Rap is working on one of the games. you can find links to 2 other games at

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 15th Jan 2003 10:29
Yes I can adjust it, its just the highest settings on some cards are lower than the highest on others o_O there doesn't seem to be an industry standard, unfortunately

Ahh cool I'll check them out, thanks

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 15th Jan 2003 22:39
My setting is in the middle, it gets really bright if I set it to max.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 16th Jan 2003 00:51



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Posted: 16th Jan 2003 03:40
i think probably the faces should swap sides ... i mean thats fairly standard, so like characters small face is on the left and the interaction people on the left.
Just adds definition really.
You know if your using a patch matrix created in something like Lightwave or just a standard pro matrix - run the program through setting up the normals, editing them to a sin wave from the houses possitions. It just adds that extra depth around the areas which can look kinda like soft shadows when moving.
Would be cool if you see the guys talking in a more indirect way as it seems like they don't know the guys, but they appear to talk like friends rather than to a stranger.

i've not yet tackled RPGs within DB to any degree so i can't really help with the voice system but i'm sure it'd be simple enough to make a type which pointers to a funtion that runs text strings no?
Then just have like a game.dlg or something that contains strings proceeded by something the sperates them and perhaps a first line saying how many strings just for debugging and a second in square brackets (like an ini file) that label to someone, using a function you can attach the string lines ... use a standard bit check to know who's talking - possibly packets the strings in ascii bytes rather than actual strings.

but i dunno just seems like its more a case of storeing the strings for a generic function that would be the problem

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Posted: 19th Jan 2003 23:14
I like it a lot, few problems though:

When I move the camera around sometimes my screen exploads into this blue squiqly thing, it especialy happens at the blacksmith.

I found the buttons that open the menus and theres no way to close them exept to start the game over, thought that was kind of annying.

Finnaly on the part menu you have 4 people in your party but the guy on the hill says he saw them land elsewere, whats up with that?

Other that that it's a really good game (sorry if I repated any other prolems somone else might have said, i just skimmed the post)
Digital Awakening
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Posted: 20th Jan 2003 01:03
Don't know what "blue squiqly thing" you mean, nobody reported any problems like this.

Read the readme for controlls

In the full game you will start alone.

Thanks =)

[b]Digital Awakening
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John H
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Posted: 20th Jan 2003 03:40
When I played, if I talked to anyone of acessed the menus it froze

Nice though!


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Digital Awakening
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Posted: 20th Jan 2003 15:41
Are you sure it froze? When you're talking leftclick to progress through the dialog and use TAB to exit the screens.

Thanks =)

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 20th Jan 2003 18:04
Yeah that confused me as well. Maybe if you click outside the menus they could disappear? Although I did read the instructions and work out what was wrong

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 20th Jan 2003 19:59
I will make it so you can close the menues with the same button or Esc. Esc should aslo skipp a dialog.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 20th Jan 2003 20:36
Yes that would be much better Obviously you'll have to dissable the escape key for exiting, and then have it bring up a "R u sure u wanna exit" box if you aren't in any menus. You'd be surprised the ammount of people who don't know you can Alt+F4 programs

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 21st Jan 2003 00:29
There will be an ingame menu where you can save the game etc when you press esc. Alt+F4 will probably also be dissabled.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2003 15:10
you still want to use that lightwave scene exporter mate or you okay?

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2003 19:49
I never had any intent on using it for TML as I got an editor for TML. And since TML is a matrix based game I can't use your exporter. Maybe for CCA2.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2003 23:27
Hi again DG hope all is coming on well, really wanna c the next update

AS for the Alt+F4 thing personally I would leave it in just for if the users PC plays silly b*ggers Obviously Ctrl+Alt+Delete needs to be enabled for the same reason. I totally agree with your usage of the Esc key, thats what I do Also remember to dissable the Windows key so users don't accidently press it and muck their game up.

Personally I would like to include usage for Alt+Tab in my game, but in Pro's current form its simply not stable enough

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 03:29
Alt+Tab already works in TML =)

Well Alt+F4 could be the same as choosing Quit in the menu, it brings up a dialog asking if you wanna save.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 03:31
Because I'm not here much and replies are few and slow I'm mostly using RGT for updates. I got tired of posting in both forums all the time. If this board was more active I wouldn't mind. I'll update here when something big happens.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 11:54
Ah right now I remember

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 13:43
Oooh OK Cool. I really should use RGT... its just that I waste enough time on these forums without adding another I meant Alt+F4 should be there for if the program crashes or sticks, but I guess so long as Ctrl+Alt+del works, you're fine Post here if you release another demo, pleeeeease

John H
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 14:04
Yea when I get into the character menu- it was all good for about 5 seconds then it froze. The clicker stopped moving Everything looked nice as long as I had seen it though!


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Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 16:21
If you think these forums takes up all your time you shouldn't join RGT, it takes up even more time =)

If the program crashes then Alt+F4 won't work, then there's only C+A+D, and you can't code around it, only crash the game/computer so hard that it stops working.

I sure post here when I got a new demo or a bunch of new shots. Over at RGT I post about things I just added or are working on. I even posted 3 shots for CCA2 (I took a break from TML).
That's weird

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 19:10
Oooh ok cool I love the Kudos rating in RGT I wish they had that here I'd definitely use it Anyway, my own forrums for my software will be up soon so I'll get stuck there answering every1s questions too - I imagine a lot of people will use them, my upcoming project is quite big

Look forward to a new demo

Digital Awakening
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 20:32
Well, there apears to be problems with the kudos rating, you can get boos even when ppl applaud you. I'm gonna make my own forums too, later when TML is done and I got more time.

[b]Digital Awakening
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Posted: 24th Jan 2003 03:26
Ill be there I only have my own forums (they suck) cuz I want to be a mod somewhere LOL


Current - RPG: Eternal Destiny : Help Wanted!
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