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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Did I just waste some money?

Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 31st Dec 2004 02:29
I ordered Dark Matter 1 in the hopes that I could boost the amount of models that ships with FPSC, but I'm having a sinking feeling that FPSC will contain most if not all of darkmatter 1 & 2... did I just waste my haard earned money???
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 31st Dec 2004 02:40
No idea.

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 31st Dec 2004 03:48
Quote: "No idea."

Then why did you post???
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 31st Dec 2004 04:09
Because I wanted too.

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Posted: 31st Dec 2004 05:48
I don’t think it will I think it will have all its one models, I mean it might contain some of them but most will probably be new ones.
Richard Davey
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Posted: 31st Dec 2004 19:46
It doesn't have any DarkMATTER models at all. They are all newly created for FPS Creator. DM1 models will not work in FPSC unless you rig them first (a tedious and lengthy process).

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Posted: 31st Dec 2004 23:06
how about dm 2?

Anime civil
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Posted: 1st Jan 2005 07:59
I just hope that FPSC will come with WWII model packs. I'm willing to pay extra for it, but I really want those model packs

David T
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Posted: 1st Jan 2005 19:05
Yes, in a word. As Rich say they need to be rejigged.

Quote: "I just hope that FPSC will come with WWII model packs."

It does.

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Posted: 1st Jan 2005 21:26 Edited at: 1st Jan 2005 21:26
Quote: "DM1 models will not work in FPSC unless you rig them first (a tedious and lengthy process)."

4 questions:

1.That goes to all models that didn't come with FPSC, right?
2.What do you mean by "rigging" them?
3.How many models come with FPSC (about) in each theme pack?
4.When importing models (like ones we've made in another program), we have to "rig" them?
dark coder
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Posted: 1st Jan 2005 23:17
1) yes

2) rigging means position+rotating in accordance with fpsc`s setup so they will display onsreen correctly, so they wont be upsidedown or away from the camera etc etc.

3) dunno

4) yes, unless you import a fpsc model and use that as a base model if you did this then your position will be correct, but if you wanted to make it work for dm 1/2 models you will need to manually align them with fps models and possibly animate them.

Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2005 03:43
Quote: "rigging means position+rotating in accordance with fpsc`s setup so they will display onsreen correctly, so they wont be upsidedown or away from the camera etc etc."

I thought rigging was more involved than this - like attaching vertices to bones and the like.

It sounds like FPSC is incompatible with some of the other software sold here such as dark matter & character shop... which is a shame because I would have gladly purchased those as well.

PS - is TGC out until Monday? I order Dark Matter 1 electronic on Dec. 23rd and still haven't heard back yet...
Major Payn
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2005 05:03
Does FPSC use bone animation? So the models are seamless, because I am so sick and tired of seeing action figures in FPS's around here.

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Posted: 2nd Jan 2005 13:59 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2005 13:59
There off through the 4th i think, as for your order on dec 23rd, i ordered BlueGUI, TreeMagik 2, and Plant Life on Weds dec 29th and recived them the 30th so that's a bit odd. Rigging the dark matter pack with bones and getting some animations for fpsc, shouldn't be hard at all, you'll just need a 3d modeling program, i rigged a couple of them in 3d canvas and truespace, to use as sprites awhile back.

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