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DLL Talk / NG collision aint easy to use!!! it just me?

The Nerd
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2005 05:44

I downloaded the NG collision demo today.
i Tried the examples and the collisions are very good!
but when it comes to use it in you OWN program i cant even figure out how to make an object moving!!!

And the manual aint good either i simply dont understand how to use NG in you own programs.

The Nerd

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Lost in Thought
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2005 06:20
It is indeed very, very easy to use. The manuals tell you all you need to know when you compare the command usage and explainations with the small but effective example codes they give you.
Basically with NGC you have a certain layout that works with almost any code. It is formatted like this.

delcare constants for making NGC easier to read
turn sync on and set sync rate
start collision system (StartCollisionPRO)
start debug mode (if developing)
set exclusive mode for replacement commands (i use 0)
define the constants for your collision types (player, world, etc.)
setup how you want your objects to collide (SetCollisionsPro)
load your objects
set objects to a collision type (CollisionTypePRO)
set your objects size, radius, gravity, rotation and anything else affecting object
start your main loop
move, rotate objects
update the collision system (RunCollisionPRO())
update the camera to players position
use sync to show changes
end your loop

always follow this order and all should be well.

The Nerd
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2005 07:52 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2005 07:52
errrr.... can you please make a very small example?


The Nerd

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Lost in Thought
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2005 08:33
I sure can what version do you have? V3.01 is seriously bugged ATM I would suggest V2.03

The Nerd
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2005 10:52
I have the newest demo version...

The Nerd

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Lost in Thought
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2005 11:41
Here is one slightly modified from the Forum here. It is setup for NGC V3.01 don't forget to inclue the NGCollision.dba in your project and put the NGCollision.dll in the same folder as your .exe

Freddy 007
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Posted: 3rd Jan 2005 22:03
Then how does the .x files work?
Me and The Nerd has so far this code:

but when we run it the screen just turns black, and nothing happens.
What´s the problem???

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Posted: 4th Jan 2005 00:39 Edited at: 4th Jan 2005 00:39
This codebase entry of mine was made using the demo version. It's very basic, and well commented. Run it to see what it does (no media requred), then read the code and the comments, it should make sense very quickly.

Lost in Thought
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Posted: 4th Jan 2005 04:53
Try changing this line SetOctreeThreshold( 12 ) the this SetOctreeThreshold( 100 ). The smaller the value is the longer it will take NGC to load the octree and the program will seem to be locked up but will just be calculating. Also Octree is bugged in V3.01 so you may just want to turn it off until it is fixed. Change this

to this

It will load straight away. As far as .x models in general just change the make object command for load object command.

Also there is another bug with V3.01 you might want to know. When using SetObjRadiusPRO() make sure all 3 values are the same or you will fall/go through some walls/floors. Maybe they will fix these bugs soon.

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