After about a year of DB use, I am starting to get some unexpected results, I have studying the smallest details of any game, trying to convert what I see on my screen into DB code, I guesse you could say, I see code! I noticed this one day while playing GTA san andreas, I began to contemplate how everything would be done if I was coding it, when my character would get fat I would think "hmm, I could do this by setting a variable to player fatness, then scaling the player by that number, hmmm". I was recently playing Half life 2, and at near every scene, I began tinkering away in my head, how I would create that scene, I would study the slightest object, and see all the details, trying to see just how high poly it was, or I would study the textures. This happens in nearly every game now, I am constantly destracted by all the little details that I lose the whole experience. Anybody els do this?
Guns arn't the problem, people are the problem, shoot all the people and guns arn't a problem anymore.