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DLL Talk / First VB 6.0 <-> DBC DLL, trouble with strings..

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Posted: 6th Jan 2005 03:46
Hi. I'm using vbAdvance for Visual Basic 6.0, and that's how I'm compiling my DLL - it took me a while, but I managed to get everything exporting properly, and I think my code is fine - but I'm having a bit of trouble with some of my string functions...

Please take a look at my MExportedFunctions.bas, and tell me what's wrong. I know there's other Winsock DLLs out there, but i just wanted to make my own suited for my needs...

Thanks again...

Note: cUDP is my code. Nothing wrong with it.

When I run this code, I can't use the 'SendData' function - I get a 'failed to execute call DLL' error or something of a similar kind..

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Posted: 6th Jan 2005 07:40 Edited at: 6th Jan 2005 07:41
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 01:01
I _USED_ the tutorial to build this code .

I have all the other modules (cUDP, CRuntimeInit and MRuntimeInit) added, and ticked all the boxes for 'Exported Functions' in the vbAdvance settings.

I feel it may be something wrong with my two Declare statements at the top of my code - but I think I've got them right.

It's just that it doesn't work - When I use a String-related function, DBC just says that the 'Call DLL statement failed to execute at line X'.

If anybody wants the whole code so they can try compiling it themselves, plz do! I was just hoping there would be some really obvious mistake in there which I'd missed...

2005 - Year of cartoony red cubes (look! black outline!), for me at least.
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 02:32
oh, can dbc use dll's? or do you need dbce?

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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 02:42
I've got DBC Enhanced.

2005 - Year of cartoony red cubes (look! black outline!), for me at least.
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Posted: 7th Jan 2005 03:52
well, I'd test your code but my vbAdv trial ran out. Maybe the nested functions in the call to output converter is giving a problem?

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