nto sure how encryption should work but this does what i needed done im working on a bytewise encryption dll but so far progress is slowed due to not know how to make a good unreadable pattern and i dotn want to write the if statement 255 times
well here it is it should be straight foward
function encrypt(strin$)
enstring as string
dim temp$(256)
dim done$(256)
for i=1 to num
if temp$(i)="a" then done$(i)="b1"
if temp$(i)="b" then done$(i)="c2"
if temp$(i)="c" then done$(i)="d5"
if temp$(i)="d" then done$(i)="ea"
if temp$(i)="e" then done$(i)="a0"
if temp$(i)="f" then done$(i)="gz"
if temp$(i)="g" then done$(i)="7a"
if temp$(i)="h" then done$(i)="y9"
if temp$(i)="i" then done$(i)="p4"
if temp$(i)="j" then done$(i)="oo"
if temp$(i)="k" then done$(i)="7t"
if temp$(i)="l" then done$(i)="fd"
if temp$(i)="m" then done$(i)="a1"
if temp$(i)="n" then done$(i)="tt"
if temp$(i)="o" then done$(i)="yk"
if temp$(i)="p" then done$(i)="po"
if temp$(i)="q" then done$(i)="xz"
if temp$(i)="r" then done$(i)="lh"
if temp$(i)="s" then done$(i)="aq"
if temp$(i)="t" then done$(i)="qw"
if temp$(i)="u" then done$(i)="ec"
if temp$(i)="v" then done$(i)="g5"
if temp$(i)="w" then done$(i)="z2"
if temp$(i)="x" then done$(i)="t6"
if temp$(i)="y" then done$(i)="mn"
if temp$(i)="z" then done$(i)="n8"
if temp$(i)="1" then done$(i)="a2"
if temp$(i)="2" then done$(i)="0l"
if temp$(i)="3" then done$(i)="]["
if temp$(i)="4" then done$(i)="/."
if temp$(i)="5" then done$(i)=",a"
if temp$(i)="6" then done$(i)="`~"
if temp$(i)="7" then done$(i)="df"
if temp$(i)="8" then done$(i)="cs"
if temp$(i)="9" then done$(i)="er"
if temp$(i)="0" then done$(i)="n-"
if temp$(i)=" " then done$(i)="=-"
next i
for i=1 to num
next i
undim temp$()
undim done$()
endfunction enstring
function decrypt(strin$)
enstring as string
dim temp$(256)
dim done$(256)
for i=1 to num
temp$(i)=temp$(i)+mid$(strin$,i+1) `debug with reading 2 letters not 1
if temp$(i)="b1" then done$(i)="a"
if temp$(i)="c2" then done$(i)="b"
if temp$(i)="d5" then done$(i)="c"
if temp$(i)="ea" then done$(i)="d"
if temp$(i)="a0" then done$(i)="e"
if temp$(i)="gz" then done$(i)="f"
if temp$(i)="7a" then done$(i)="g"
if temp$(i)="y9" then done$(i)="h"
if temp$(i)="p4" then done$(i)="i"
if temp$(i)="oo" then done$(i)="j"
if temp$(i)="7t" then done$(i)="k"
if temp$(i)="fd" then done$(i)="l"
if temp$(i)="a1" then done$(i)="m"
if temp$(i)="tt" then done$(i)="n"
if temp$(i)="yk" then done$(i)="o"
if temp$(i)="po" then done$(i)="p"
if temp$(i)="xz" then done$(i)="q"
if temp$(i)="lh" then done$(i)="r"
if temp$(i)="aq" then done$(i)="s"
if temp$(i)="qw" then done$(i)="t"
if temp$(i)="ec" then done$(i)="u"
if temp$(i)="g5" then done$(i)="v"
if temp$(i)="z2" then done$(i)="w"
if temp$(i)="t6" then done$(i)="x"
if temp$(i)="mn" then done$(i)="y"
if temp$(i)="n8" then done$(i)="z"
if temp$(i)="a2" then done$(i)="1"
if temp$(i)="0l" then done$(i)="2"
if temp$(i)="][" then done$(i)="3"
if temp$(i)="/." then done$(i)="4"
if temp$(i)=",a" then done$(i)="5"
if temp$(i)="`~" then done$(i)="6"
if temp$(i)="df" then done$(i)="7"
if temp$(i)="cs" then done$(i)="8"
if temp$(i)="er" then done$(i)="9"
if temp$(i)="n-" then done$(i)="0"
if temp$(i)="=-" then done$(i)=" "
next i
for i=1 to num
next i
undim temp$()
undim done$()
endfunction enstring
well there u go