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3 Dimensional Chat / Question

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Joined: 15th Jan 2003
Location: Norway
Posted: 15th Jan 2003 21:03
Does dbpro support morph targets (also known as blende shapes)?
Or do I have to animate facial expression with bones?
- Kjetil
Fluffy Paul
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Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 16th Jan 2003 16:01
DBPro, like DB 1.13 has the animation interpolation function where you can give it two frames of the same model and ask DB to calculate the frames in between.
Sometimes these are referred to as "key frames".
With facial animations it is best to have a face shape that matches the different sounds a human mouth can make - and that's alot of models/frames of animation.

Please note that in order to perform an interpolation the two different frames have to be of the same model (i.e. all the vertices and faces have to have the same names).
Having two different models which just happen to have the same number of vertices and faces results in the shape turning itself inside out as it morphs. The shape will still start and end in the positions you want, though!
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Joined: 15th Jan 2003
Location: Norway
Posted: 16th Jan 2003 17:07
thanks a lot fluffy paul, that helped a lot.

so i should set all the expresions and animation in frames; frame1=shout frame2=smile, frame3-20=walk ...etc.)?

I'v bought dbpro, just waiting for the shipment, just want to learn a bit what I shoud tink of when creating the 3d models.


And some other questions;

How low should I make the poly count for a typical model (humanoid)?

Whats the max resolution of the map, and how low (kb) should I make the map?

- Kjetil

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